If anyone had noticed… I have been AWOL for about ONE WEEK

We have been down to our condo at Panama City Beach, FL trying to deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Michael which came ashore Oct 9, 2018 – Nearly EIGHT MONTHS AGO !!
The first estimate was that everything would be back to NORMAL by March 1, 2019… we are now MAYBE be back together by Aug 1, 2019.
Hurricane Michael was just the first “domino” in a long daisy chain of SCREW UPS.

Right now, I am not going to name names… but … there is a whole list of “guilty parties” … General Contractors, Insurance adjusters, Moving company, Condo’s Board of Directors
Our condo complex is 134 units and about 100 of those units are rented by the owners to help pay the cost of maintaining a unit. In Panama City Beach the “summer rental season” – about 8 weeks and the “spring break rental season” about 6 weeks.. will generate about 50%-66% of the annual potential rental income. “snow birds” provide the balance… In the Panama City beach a condo will rent for 2-3 times for a week in the summer/spring break as they do for a MONTH IN THE WINTER.

Some of owners in our complex may end up losing their condos because they DEPEND on that rental income to pay the overhead cost of keeping a condo. On top of that, the insurance policy for the condo has a $400,000 DEDUCTIBLE and these same people are going to get – at a minimum – a $3.00 – $4.00/sq ft ASSESSMENT to pay for at least the DEDUCTIBLE. The vast majority of the units range in size from 750 Sq ft, 1050 sq ft and 1400 Sq ft.

Our unit has been our “second home” since 2000… so we have not depended on generating rental revenue to pay the bills… Our unit is safe but we are not too happy about not being able to spend the last winter down there, the first time in nearly TWO DECADES 🙁

It may take me a week or more to catch up … out of the six days AWOL… two days were spent on the road – 650 miles each way. The other 4 days were spent tracking down why something done to my unit, why wasn’t something done to my unit that was suppose to be done by now… I got a lot of “I don’t know”… “someone else must have done that”… “someone else was suppose to have that done by now “


5 Responses

  1. Sadly in todays world there is no such thing as “a mans word.” Has nothing to do with Dummycrat or Republican In todays world everyone is out for themselves

  2. Steve, wife, I’m so sorry for your situation.
    You have my prayers that things can and will be made right.

    Disaster relief funds are being withheld by the House of Representatives.

    I do some remediations and if you ever want to talk about reconstruction after flooding, I’d be glad to discuss it.

  3. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah…Welcome to FloriDuh.
    We like our elected officials on the corporately corrupted shady side. Socialism works when it becomes corporate welfare! But don’t say the “S”ocialisim word!
    See Scott, Rick. NO OBAMACARE!!! I like poor people without health insurance just so illegals don’t go to the ER.
    Since our current CFO hails from your vacation town looks like our legislature would have worked on solving problems like yours.
    But NO!!!
    Our GOP guv signed into law no more assignment of homeowner insurance benefits. Good luck dealing with your “darling” homeowner insurance company! They are among the top donors to FloriDuh republicans BTW.
    Just don’t say that horrible disgusting “I” word.
    Impeach or Insurance?
    Depends on who pays.

  4. Thank you for giving us a heads up to whats been going on for you, I was getting really concerned. I am somewhat relieved, but I know exactly what BS headaches can occur due to not being able to be onsite making sure every worker is doing things right, on time etc…. But if there were ever a competent man to crack the necessary whip to make sure all was completed/handled properly it would definitely be you Steve.

  5. Oh no Steve!
    I’m so sorry you and your wife are having to go through such stress especially when it’s your escape place. Shame on those guilty for all the “I don’t knows” I truly hope all the mess gets resolved shortly.

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