I got this from our Part D provider about a pt’s civil rights under Federal program

This letter was inserted in correspondence from our Part D provider.
If you read the first line on Federal civil rights laws and discrimination per age or disability in particular. If healthcare providers refuse to treat a pt because of “disability”… could they be charged/fined for violating Federal law ?

If your insurance company refuses to pay for the medication that your doctor has determined is medically necessary for you… is that discrimination of your “disability” ?

Could this be a area of potential class action against large entities that have established policy/procedures/protocol that limits/denies certain therapies for a particular group of pts.

5 Responses

  1. I would like to know the definition of “Disabilities” and my sister was dismissed from her primary, who never addressed very abnormal blood-work. All the primary wanted to do was REDUCE a sick person.
    I need to know what recourse we have in N.Y, as no authority calls back. I need to read the law that specifically states “discrimination”
    against “disabilities”
    I will bet-that refusal to provide, [continue], pain medication isn’t apart, or considered discrimination. If anything, the office guardians will screen one at the window before being taken-on by the doctor.

  2. Thank you ever so much for the information. I have been wondering what to do and what my rights were. You have provided a valuable tool!!

  3. I cannot clearly see this document. It is blurry. Any way to clear it up so I can read it?

  4. Steve, lately emails from you, [certain-ones like this one] are obscured from reading-like the civil rights discrimination letter from medicare. Also, what’s disturbing is the language like “certain” insurance; even the need to insert a separate note. I’m not sure why most people, including myself are not fully aware of the US’s evolving into an Oligarchy-Totalitarian Global rulership, with England, UK, and others I can’t think-of now. Increasingly, I am being Targeted, censored, poisoned, and threatened by “invisible” forces who do not make THEMSELVES TRANSPARENT. The bloodwork with-held by pain mgt dr for 7mos, which is of emergency attention, [no-one, lawyer, representative…..has called me back], There are notes from this sensitive lab stating the FDA doesn’t find it necessary for the heavy metals test requested be done, even though the other tests proved CDC positive for “Lyme” and possibly cancer.
    What makes vulnerable, disabled and some suffering in pain being the 1st targets, if others don’t wake-up now, their fate will be the same.
    I pray we don’t die like this. I was told 3 years ago by Empire Justice that both my basic civil, and human rights don’t exist, [is a philosophic question]. This, [along with too much to write], and the fact-that I was Nonconsensualy exploited, “judged and punished” by a “private” therapist for years, [along with harmful substances deliberately put in meds] to make me more exploitable, [visible] to the “energy” industries is enough to kill me. Spying from satellites, Cable co, verizon, and countless others in both energy, [CH], and my provable knowledge, want to kill me SOON. Hope you receive this email. MEDICARE HIT-LIST

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