I am re-postsing this because apparently some people did not read it the first time

Apparently some people believe that I am VERY PRO-TRUMP… when I am really VERY ANTI-CLINTON… but I looked at this post that was done two weeks ago and only TWELVE people viewed it. If you think that having another ATTORNEY in the White House – that will be supportive of the legal system/DEA –  and most likely keep the current AG, head of DEA and Surgeon General and continue the path that Obama has created and your pain management and quality of life will get better and not worse.. then vote for going down that path…  It is obvious to me that “the establishment” will do just about anything – legal/illegal – to keep “the establishment” in power… political party really doesn’t matter to them. All we have to do is look back a couple of decades to see how this has worked out for most of us.

There is a difference between anti-Clinton and pro-Trump


Don’t worry… she will never be charged or go to jail…

The first link is a comment on a post a made a couple of days ago… There is MAJOR DIFFERENCE in being ANTI-CLINTON and PRO-TRUMP..  There is a middle ground of “the devil we know” is probably worse than the “devil that we don’t know”

There is seldom a day goes by that some part of the media is publishing a article about the “OD epidemic”… yet has either the two Presidential candidates utter the first few words about it ?

Clinton has promised to make “the rich” to pay their “fair share”… but no one can really define “rich” nor “fair share”… yet she has endorsed WV Senator Manchin’s proposed “opiate prescription tax”… to help fund treatment for people who are dealing with substance/opiate abuse… 

Isn’t that great to take one group of chronically ill in our society to pay for the treatment of another chronically ill people. Since a recent survey stated that 90% of those families that have a chronic pain pt in the family.. .the family was struggling financially because one spouse can’t work and/or the cost of treatment/therapy of the chronic pain pts…. and it is highly unlikely that the pt’s insurance company will pick up that TAX… and it would appear that few of those chronic pain pts are “rich”.

She has also endorsed Philadelphia’s new “soda tax”…

TWENTY TRILLION DOLLARS in national debt and not much of a discussion from either candidate.

Where were all of these women claiming mis-doing of Trump when he was in the primary. Where were they when he won the Republican nomination in July. Both the timing is suspicious and the fact that all of these women are pro-clinton ?

When FBI Comey testified before Congress.. he must have had to use a Thesaurus to come up with synonyms to describe Clinton’s actions/in-actions that would not match the wording of the laws that she had broke/violated so that he could say with a straight face.. that he would not charge her.

He stated in his testimony that “no one knew what he was going to say”… but did he have a meeting the AG Lynch and President Obama and since our President is the final authority on what laws will or will not be enforced… and Comey was told that he could charge her if he wanted.. but… prosecution would not be pursued… regardless of what his decision was…  What do you think that his chances of continuing being head of the FBI.. if he charged her and she is elected President ?

Here is the Republican’s platform    https://gop.com/platform/  All 66 pages

Here is the Democratic platform  https://www.demconvention.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Democratic-Party-Platform-7.21.16-no-lines.pdf   All 55 pages

Who has read these documents to see what is in them and who believes that any one expects the respective parties will begin to focus on them for the next two -four years ?

Maybe the chronic pain community should take their lead from Head of House Paul Ryan …and take his narcissist attitude and the other Republicans in Congress … IT IS EVERY MAN/WOMAN FOR THEMSELVES..  Members of Congress needs to do whatever they have to do .. to maintain their seat in Congress.

Apparently the most important thing to do is to make sure that “the political establishment” stay in power… it doesn’t matter if it is Republican or Democratic.. and anything can be said, done or promised… in order to achieve that.

The war on drugs/pt/prescribers is part of the agenda of the political establishment… as are many other policies.

IF your quality of life is better now than it was EIGHT YEARS AGO…. then go ahead and vote to keep the status quo and the political establishment in place…  if not … Obama 2.0 might not work out too well for you over the next 4-8 yrs.

3 Responses

  1. At this point I am praying for human rights lawyers as I can’t function and am chronically PTSD’D. I have wanted to post but have been too sick from inauthentic and non-standardized “oxycodones” and “stimulant” medications. I am trying to find a compounding pharmacy that compounds my authentic medications and with a price I can afford but the ones I called don’t make these. This is noway to live and noway to die. Everything from heavy metal toxicity, edema, brain problems, and sleep-depriving component added to all. Every manufactures pills packed with pure Hatred, deception, and disease. And if that isn’t enough, the ignorance from both holistic, media, and publicly voiced opinions denying chronic pain, and minimizing the effects of untreated ADHD and replacing it with addiction is a subject I can’t afford to engage in. These drug manufactures getting $ for misrepresentation, severe harm, and experimentation is a crime. It’s against the law to have mercy on ones self, as if they can incarcerate a ghost………while

    it’s encouraged to torture and terrorize those already incapacitated and more vulnerable with fraudulent frankenmeds and hateful attitudes. If I could “just say no” I would in a heartbeat. I’m angry and stunned by the denial and empathy vacant population,who seem not to be human or remember ever having had a toothache. And for the others who have no difficulty in complying with a Holocaust.

  2. What the ACA has done to disabled persons is a sin. Our country promised to take care of us if we got sick, so along came SS and disability insurance. We paid for it! We’re still paying — that’s for sure. Right where it hurts, so to speak. In the pocket book and in the back. I wonder how many of us actually have gone through enough BS, that if we could dig deep and have a good attorney at our sides, would have one sort of a law suit or another. Medicaid. There’s one. Aetna. There’s another. Of course, one can’t sue, but the facts are there. You have it right, Steve. It’s like being thrown in a den of the grossest possible things to vote for Trump, but it’s like living there forever to vote for Clinton. Never in a million years would I have thought… but I will.

  3. 100% agree … I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – if one wishes for our country, along with their healthcare, to continue going downhill, then vote for the one Obama endorses. This is one time that I don’t want to say “I told you so” in a couple of years.

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