How many votes can Biden “buy” with “give a ways”

Biden Issues New Pardon for All Simple Marijuana Offenses

On Friday, President Joe Biden has now issued an official declaration that all Americans with a prior marijuana use record, including those who have not been detained or prosecuted, will be granted federal pardons.

All U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents who are in possession of marijuana for personal use, as well as those convicted of comparable federal offenses, are eligible for the comprehensive pardon. Additionally, marijuana consumers in the District of Columbia are pardoned.

It excludes individuals incarcerated for the unlawful sale of marijuana, in violation of federal law, as well as those convicted of other marijuana-related offenses like operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of an illicit substance.

The potential consequences of Biden’s commutation are substantial, given that criminal records related to marijuana possession and use have hindered access to housing, employment, and educational prospects.

Those who have violated state law are not eligible for pardons; furthermore, documentation of a pardon must be obtained through an application process administered by the Department of Justice.

A year ago, Biden also granted a comparable commutation and made a commitment to implement further reforms. Further, all instances of simple marijuana possession or use were expunged from federal law under this year’s proclamation, including those who had never been charged.

28 Responses

  1. joe,hunter biden.profanity on legs

  2. U know i find it terrible,,,with a stroke of pen,,he can give those who choose to smoke or not clemency,,,but us,, our doctors remain in ,”prison,” of no choosing by his policy’s and trumps,,,,maryw

    • Mary, the propaganda started in the early 2000’s under George Bush. Please don’t make it political. Both parties are after the money. What people need to do to bring pain management back, they aren’t doing. Instead, they chase the rabbits of CDC guidelines, etc. You’ve been in this for a long time, and you know what is needed to bring pain management back. Thanks for your support. Keep spreading the truth but leave politics out of it. Thanks.

      • 10-4,,,just making conversation Dr,Cheek,,,hey,,,hope your x-mas and new years are happy and safe,jmo,,proper intrepratation of 42-1395 would of stopped all of thisu,,maryw

  3. Yeah we need Trump in there, so he can just execute pot smokers instead! Brilliant thinking Steve, not!

  4. Just to settle the “Who increased the National Debt” question, both parties are guilty.

    However, Joe hasn’t caught up to “The Donald “ yet, and he has had to fund COVID, and help Ukraine and Israel.

    Which man can you picture riding a bike ?

    The one who can’t is more feeble in my mind…

    National debt increase under Trump: 8.2 trillion dollars

    National debt increase under Biden : 4.9. trillion dollars

    (Much of it due to COVID policies put into effect when Biden was elected, which Donny refused to do. ( “Let the States take care of it”).

    Now can we get back to talking about drugs ?

  5. I appreciate the great work you do for the pain community Steve, but politics does not belong in the discussion of medications and our ability to obtain them or not.

    Only if a president passes some law further restricting our access to medications does anything political belong here. Even then, the policy, and not your personal political views should be the focus.

    Removing criminalization of marijuana is comparable to passing legislation making opioids more available to those who need it, and reducing the stigma of opioids that the “War on Opioids” has created.

    I’m disappointed you made this political.

  6. That crooked antchrist s.o.b.cant even urinate without help.needs to be in home.commited multiple treasonous acts against America.should be put in a lineup and shot like any other multi felony commiter.Trump will sweep the elections in 04.MAGA,DONT GET IN THE WAY!!!

    • I have two questions. First, how do you know he needs help urinating ? Have you watched ?

      Secondly, name one “treasonous felony” he has committed. Please. I want to know.

      The last part….no wonder we have so much fun violence now. Is that the way MAGAS fix problems ? With a firing squad ? God help us.

      • and if the southern end of the Americas keeps bleeding uncontrollably,you may find yourself wanting some serious firing squads.jerkoff joe is patting Ham-Ass on the back,and whining at Israel for being so naughty as to try and defend their lives.If you know Who Jesus Christ Is,that should plunge REAL fear and dread into you.Genesis 12:3.GOD IS NOT SLACK CONCERNING HIS PROMISES!!!

  7. If find your title offensive as well. Are you so rabidly anti Biden you don’t see that this is a good thing ?
    Frankly this doesn’t belong in this group but rater on your personal page.

    • How about a 20% overall compounded increase in prices because of inflation, how about 10+ million illegal immigrants crossing our border and abt 60% now on Medicaid, funding hundreds of billions for two wars overseas. national debt has increased by 9 trillion. Our total national debt was only 9 trillion when Obama came to office, now it is 34 trillion. 132 billion in student loan forgiveness that the Supreme Court said he didn’t have the legal authority to do.. 40% of people with student loans – payments had been suspended for 2+ yrs … They didn’t make the first repayment due in Oct. 30K-40K more people died from illegal fentanyl poisoning last year than the previous year, that came across our border. People must take money out of their retirement funds to pay day-to-day bills. 60+% of families are living paycheck to paycheck and can’t afford to pay an unexpected $500 bill. Real Estate is in a catatonic state because of 7%+ interest on home loans. Maybe you were born rich or inherited a lot of money and don’t have any monetary problems. Many are not so lucky!

      • Trump added 7.8 trillion to the National debt.

        Biden is closer to 4.8, and he had to fund the COVID crises that “The Donald” said the States should handle, and the aid to Ukraine and Israel.

        Let’s put this into perspective.

        Both parties are guilty of increasing the National Debt.

        Reagan and Obama contributed a lot.

        Now that is settled, let’d talk about drugs.

        • Thank you for reading my blog and posting a comment for the FIRST TIME… since you live in Colorado, you already have access to two drugs Kratom & MJ… what drugs do you wish to talk about. Those that the 3 major drug wholesalers – that control 85% of the community Rx market and how they are going to start selling less controls- not just opioids – to all pharmacies and/or the three major chain pharmacies (Walgreen, CVS, Walmart) that has agreed to fill/dispense fewer controlled Rxs.. with no regards to the pt’s medically necessary for their prescribed controls?

          • I don’t really need to discuss any of them right now, your posts have been very helpful, and I learned about Walmart, Walgreens and CVS from your blogs.

            With the PBMs situation, I chose regular Medicare instead of an Advantage Plan, mostly due to your posts.

            I take oxycodone, have been taking around the clock opioids since 2010, and have had to deal with all of the hurdles you wrote about, and fight for.

            (Thank you !).

            I’ve followed you for a while now, your insight has helped me avoid bad pharmacies, know what to say and what not to say, and how to navigate the hoops we pain patients must jump through.

            I am dealing with the shortages, and have been since about April.

            Now you call a pharmacy to see if they have any 0xycodone in stock, and they lie and say “no”, if you have a large prescription like me.

            I had a friend call one of these pharmacies about 15 minutes later, asking about getting a smaller number of tablets, and they suddenly had them in stock. Magic.

            They save the tablets for smaller prescriptions, so they can help more patients and have less people angry I guess.

            One pharmacy was honest, the pharmacist told me he couldn’t take any new patients, he was saving his stock for existing patients. I told him I appreciated his honesty.

            So it has gotten to the point that I have to physically drive to each pharmacy and get in their face, and ask in person if they can fill my prescription. Due to the lies.

            The poor pharmacists are so overworked they won’t answer the phone, so even if they would tell the truth, I can’t reach them.

            This is especially fun if my prescription hits on a Friday when my Dr is closed.

            The pharmacy is out, and I’m stuck all weekend without pain meds, and have to find someone else on Monday. So I now schedule all refills on Mondays.

            This is not anything you were not already aware of. I fear that the goal is to eradicate prescription opioids off of the face of the Earth, then we will really see the Fentanyl deaths spike.

            I know someone who lived in a rural area and lost her Dr., she was a 20 year chronic pain patient. No one would take her, she couldn’t find a pain mgmt Dr anywhere willing to prescribe anything.

            She is deceased now. She got desperate and turned to the streets. Fentanyl.

            Another compliant prescription opioid patient losing their life over the “0pioid Crisis”.

    • Completely agree with you, Veronique.

    • Totally agree with you, Veronique.

  8. Excuse me???!! I find your title offensive, although the news is great!! Marijuana is simply an earlier drug targeted by the government without cause, just like opioids are now. This is the first step in getting the CSA repealed, and it should be supported by all chronic pain advocates. Or does this just state your political position, Steve? You should avoid politics, as you are respected by many.

    • I completely agree.

    • How about a 20% overall compounded increase in prices because of inflation, how about 10+ million illegal immigrants crossing our border and abt 60% now on Medicaid, funding hundreds of billions for two wars overseas. national debt has increased by 9 trillion. Our total national debt was only 9 trillion when Obama came to office, now it is 34 trillion. 132 billion in student loan forgiveness that the Supreme Court said he didn’t have the legal authority to do.. 40% of people with student loans – payments had been suspended for 2+ yrs … They didn’t make the first repayment due in Oct. 30K-40K more people died from illegal fentanyl poisoning last year than the previous year, that came across our border. People must take money out of their retirement funds to pay day-to-day bills. 60+% of families are living paycheck to paycheck and can’t afford to pay an unexpected $500 bill. Real Estate is in a catatonic state because of 7%+ interest on home loans. Maybe you were born rich or inherited a lot of money and don’t have any monetary problems. Many are not so lucky!

      • How about inflation due to coming out of COVID, supporting countries in the crosshairs of Russia and terrorists? So you would rather we be isolationist like we were before WWI and WWII, and not get drawn in until WWIII? I would rather avoid WWIII, although I do see the end of times approaching not far in the future.

        I hear people complaining about money, but I don’t see the lines any shorter at the fast food restaurants, or even sitting at the tables in regular restaurants. No one appears to be starving.

        The border issue is due to the war on drugs, which is what we need to be focusing on stopping. And that is what we are doing on Doctorsofcourage. We will get the CSA repealed. Let’s focus on that.

        • The first day Biden was in office he shut down the XL-pipeline,he cancelled a lot of high paying jobs. he has cancelled numerous other oil fields being put into production.. he pulled oil our of our strategic oil that our emergency oil reserve is at a 40 yr low. Oil,Nat Gas, Coal, nuclear energy is the “blood” of our economy. He cancelled all the border wall contracts – that we had to continue to pay off the contracts that we had signed to build the war and a lot of the material to build the wall, was stored along the wall – already paid for and it was reported that he was selling that material for the wall at scrap prices – pennies on the dollar. He took the sanctions off Iran oil, Iran is the “sugar daddy” behind Hamas and several other “bad apples” in the middle east. Those same bad apples have shut down the Red Sea and the Suez canal and it was announced today that Iran is going to try to shut down cargo ships traversing the Mediterranean Sea. While you are seeing people going out to restaurants, total outstanding on credit cards has exceeded ONE TRILLION DOLLARS. After those who had college loans having their payments suspended for 2.5+ yrs, 40% did not make their first payment that was due Oct 1,2023. Locally, it was announced last night on TV that a non-profit that has been providing kids with backpack full of food for each weekend – so they have something to eat. The are having to cut 1,000 kids from the program, reduced contributions and the higher cost of the food they purchase for putting in those backpacks. Our economy is not in as good shape as it appears as are more mirages

    • Totally agree with you.

    • Totally agree with you, Linda.

    • Well said, Linda

    • Amen.

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