Pain physician Hersh Patel MD captured authoring fraudulent EMR note with “cut and paste” medical history. He documented a physical exam that never happened. Also documented advising patient about risks of opioids, risks,alternatives etc. etc that never actually happened. Hersh Patel MD, straight out of his pain fellowship training, telling elderly folks that they can be arrested for taking their physician-prescribed FDA approved opioid
Filed under: General Problems
OMG Dr. Patel is an amazing physician. He’s helped my family and I with so much. These posts seem like someone’s trying to manipulate what actually happened. I’m a chronic pain patient, but I don’t understand why we’re targeting people that actually help?
Yes, Psychiatry or mental health has been the political agenda of the decade. I can not help but think this was all planned. A serious look into who is financially benifitting Is key. Expose the truth to the addiction community and CPP community. Andrew Kolodny statements has not sat well with the addiction community. Not to mention after years of Polticians boasting about how they want to help people nothing has changed.
U know,,corrupted psychiatry has done this before,,its been said before,,even by the idiot kolodny,,During the civil war,,psychiatrist who stood to make billions in todays money,,falsely labelled all civil war vets w/grotesque injuries,surgery mutiliations etc,,as ,”addicts,” when truth has discovered ,every bullet shot,every cup theY drank out of,EVERY CAN OF PAINT,,even their wine,,,WAS FULLLL OF LEAD,,,,but psychiatry saw $$$$$$$,,,deemed lead poisening a psych diagnoses,,open up 1000’s of ,”insane asylums,” after the civil war,,fast forward,,THERE DOING IT AGAIN!!!!!!! ,,opaite reduction homes,,rehabs everywhere solely for the $$$$$. Like or not this is truth,,demented psychiatrist again,deem the medically ill,in physical pain,who have a god given right to want their physical pain lessen’d,are deeming us alllllll addicts,,,a LIE,BY LIARS,,but demented shrinks re-define addiction again,redefine the very unit of measure that has guided us for hundres of years ,”grams,”’,,to their bullsh-t morphine equivalent lie,,,,,WHY CAN’T WE LEARN NOT REPEAT HISTORY???!!!!!Again,,DEMENTED ,psychiatrists,,have made ,”torture in the healthcare setting,”’legal,,,