Guess who is coming to your door


The bureaucrats have decided that they are going to come KNOCKING at your door to make sure that you – and your entire family – has gotten vaccinated.  Think about it… our country has ordered – and paid for – hundreds of millions of vials of vaccines from at least 4 different companies.  All those UNUSED vaccinations are going to EXPIRE IN THE NEAR FUTURE.

We have spent how many hundreds of millions – or billions – of dollars on testing everyone and their brother if they have been infected with COVID-19.

There has been a untold number of people that have had COVID-19 and survived and/or was asymptomatic when they had it.  The question has to be asked and answered… how many people now have a “natural immunity” because they had and survived COVID-19 ? Now many people are going to experience some unnecessary side effects of getting a COVID-19 vaccination when they already have natural antibodies.  Could that unintentionally throw a person’s immune system into “over-drive ” ?

Some have suggested that we have may have already reached “herd immunity”… Could it be that the bureaucrats are more concerned about throwing away all those millions of COVID-19 doses that have already been paid for and has little to do with good medical care and/or good pt outcomes ?

Don’t forget if/when someone shows up at your door asking for your HIPAA protected health information – IF YOU GOT VACCINATED ?- you have the right to tell them that they are trespassing on your property and to please leave. It has been stated that these people are not employees of any of our various bureaucracies … but… a bunch of “do-gooders”  Currently all the vaccines that are being pushed/promoted only have FDA’s EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION… have not went thru the normal FDA medication approval process… which can take up to 10+ yrs.

I am not anti-vaccine… but.. everyone needs to make an educated decision about what is put in their body…   It has been stated that the bureaucrats did not want to make the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory… since it does not have full FDA approval… they were expecting various businesses and educational facilities would do that for them and those entities have failed to take the bait and mandate the COVID-19 vaccine on people that they have authority over.

4 Responses

  1. I wouldn’t recommend they come to my door, my 170 pound dog doesn’t like strangers, heck he doesn’t like anyone other than the two of us. I will not be opening the door!! This isn’t China, Russia, Cuba, or any other country it’s the United States of America!!

  2. And now the government is directing SMS carriers to monitor our private text messages to “dispel misinformation about vaccines.”

    “Biden allied groups, including the Democratic National Committee, are also planning to engage fact-checkers more aggressively and work with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about vaccines that is sent over social media and text messages.”

  3. Very scary! Next they will be demanding our guns at our doors! We need no trespassing signs! What is happening to our country?

  4. Well ya can’t stop folks coming to your door. The mail man needs to, Jehovah’s Witnesses would like to (and went to the Supreme Court when they were challenged about it, and won, not just for their activity but for the entire idea that anyone can be prohibited from coming to your door…) and your neighbor needs to be able to tell you there is smoke or fire coming from your roof…


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