Is the war on drugs evolved into a covert genocide/population control ?

This video has some conspiracy theories “vibes”…but… Joe Biden during Obama’s run for re-election in 2012 .. stated that he was going to find a cure for cancer… that was 10 yrs ago… and the law talked about in this video talks about the Beau Biden, cancer, moonshot & opiate crisis.  I may have missed it, but I had not seen anything announced as “cure for cancer”

What I do remember from Physics in high school and college is that electrons flow from negative to positive… and the Protons they talk about in the video would be a POSITIVE CHARGE and the earth around us is a NEGATIVE CHARGE.  

Every electrical plug and electronic gadgets use a positive and negative side attached to our electrical system.

Today they have announced that the “new Covid-19” vaccine is going to be made with the mRNA process and will contain the ORIGINAL COVID-19 vaccine & “in theory” will address mutations BA.4 & BA.5.  However, they are releasing this vaccine with only being tested on animals and they are “guessing” about it will be effect on BA.4 & BA.5.  The FDA skipped their advisory panel opinion of this vaccine… HIGHLY UNUSUAL.

I can’t help but notice that J&J/Jansen COVID-19 vaccine is no long in the game… only two mRNA versions.  We passed on those mRNA versions the first time around, too new and too untested for me, and we got the J&J/Jansen vaccination and booster… and we are still alive.

The last decade we were involved with 4 major wars and upwards of one million – mostly young men – were killed.. we just finished 20 yrs in Afghanistan and a lot fewer were killed but our healthcare system had improved so much from Vietnam, we untold number of our armed services coming home with TBI, limbs missing, and just badly broken bodies and our VA system is not properly funded nor has the facilities to manage all these broken bodies. 

By the middle of this decade, the illegal fentanyl is poised to killed near 500,000 – more than was killed in WW-2 and likely to hit 1,000,000 by the end of the decade. The vast majority are in the 20-45 y/o age group. Similar to those killed in a major war ?  Some sort of genocide – population control – without all the broken bodies that a major war produces and all the $$$ to care for them.

7 Responses

  1. Not trying to dis ya Steve, but I wanna scream every time I see “data” on how many people die of opioid ODs. Because THEY HAVE NO FREAKING CLUE HOW MANY DIE OF OPIOID ODs. Ya know how they count them? They don’t count # of bodies. They count how many different types of opioids are in the one body, & call that the # of ODs. So one person who has taken aboard heroin (which apparently now all also has IMF), &, say, oxycontin, they put THREE deaths in the OD column, thus presenting the interesting “fact” that one person died 3 times. It’s like if someone died binging drinking & they could test for different drinks, found beer, wine, vodka, & scotch, they’d say 4 people died.

    The first time I heard of this, 7-ish years ago, I flat didn’t believe it. I did a bunch of difficult research, & finally got down to reliable enough sources (including someone at my state’s dept of health) to confirm it. after about a year, I was sure I must’ve been mistaken & did the research all over again. Same conclusion; it sure appeared to be true. Ditto again about a year after that (as a scientist, I couldn’t believe it!).

    I’m not trying to belittle opioid deaths. It’s just that we (A) have no idea how many people actually die of it, (B) I’m theorizing that since apparently all types of illegally manufactured opioids are tainted with IMF, the OD death count is at least doubled, & (C) they are STILL blaming prescription opioids, which means that not only are they blaming the wrong substance, they’re targeting exactly the wrong population –destroying older chronic pain patients, who have a low OD rate, while giving a “Go ahead & kill yourselves!!” free pass to young people chasing a high.

    Due to an additional horrendous (& hideously painful) health condition, I literally had to bow out of pain advocacy a couple-3 years ago to save what was left of my health & sanity. I’m not proud of it, but there it is. I simply cannot understand how these Big Lies can continue to overpower truth, data, science, & sanity: my brain simply does not work that way. I’m desperately trying to hang on for my loved ones, but it’s getting harder by the day.

    • I know that the typical OD’s toxicology has 4 to 7 different substances to show up… I don’t doubt what your research shows, I have heard that stated at other times, the CDC is now admitting that some 70%-75% of all opiate OD’s involve ILLEGAL FENTANYL… but the DEA is still pushing their 5 decade old agenda that Rx opiates are still the genesis of addictions. Also AK once stated that we have to wait for the existing addicts to die off… to put a end to the opiate crisis…. What he stated and what the DEA keeps repeating.. I guess they are talking about stopping all opiate prescribing and in a generation or two… the opiate crisis would no longer be a problem. They both ignore that at least since the beginning of the 20th century it has been claimed that there has been 1%-2% of our population addicted/abusing opiates. When you have people whose funding/jobs/paychecks depends on statistics.. numbers can become fungible and some “creative accounting” comes into play… but when you consider we have 50 states and each has their own reporting system/form to the CDC and in at least 2 states… to qualify to be elected coroner is to have at least a GED and never been convicted of a felony.

      • Oh sweet Jesus, they really think no new addicts will be made when the existing ones die out?!?! I know AK is nuts, is he a complete moron, too, or does he just say any ludicrous thing to support his insane campaign? Probably the latter.

        Good grief, sounds like I’m way overqualified to become a coroner. Maybe that should be my new career path.

        I can’t frigging stand this…

  2. Fall Covid boosters? Just say No No No!

  3. Mr.Arein u said this long ago ,,,”genocide american style,”I do believe in the big pictuire,,YES,,THIS WAS a massacre of all long term medically ill where cures are not available/can’t be,,cured.,All your ,”redacted,” stakeholders were driven by material $$$$$$ /greed,,,thus the bottum line,,those ,”stakeholders,” kolodny family,stocks on psychotropics,$$$$ given to the addiction psychiatry business,and ALLLLLLLL those control freaks in medicine,,ie,,only back patients get this much,,cancer only this much etc type people,,THEY KILLED /MURDERED PEOPLE,,,AND NONE THAT THEY KILLED,,,,DIED QUICKLY,,,MOST CHRONIC PAIN PATIENT BASICALLY DIE A SLOW AGONIZING DEATH IN FORCED PHYSICAL PAIN,,, Blood is on the hands of alll i mentioned above..Do they care,,,no,,,,but i do believe there is something after this physical body dies,,,to all who killed and are literally genocide us w/this massacre,,,good luck when your time comes,,,for i think sunscreen ain’t gonna ciut it down there,,jmo,,maryw

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