Flu Season is coming

I rode by one the chain pharmacies stores yesterday… you know the one some refer to as the THREE LETTER CHAIN.  On their “road sign” they were advertising “GET YOUR FLU SHOT”…. there is four main influenza viruses exist: A, B, C, and D.  A&B is the most common types that affect humans, but there is A total of 131 sub-types  (mutations) of influenza A have been identified to date.

Our healthcare system pharma system looks for which varieties are circulating south of the equator during our summer period which is there winter period and make flu shots for USA based on what is prevalent “down south”. 

Each year, it is unusual for the same mutation to be prevalent the following winter.  That is why the flu shot has become a annual happening…

Also the flu vaccines and the antibody titters that they create tend to wane over time.  The “peak” of a flu season can vary from Dec thru March on any given year.

People are at risk by getting their flu shot in July or Aug, because their antibody titters will be reduced by the time peak flu season rolls around, but apparently some chain pharmacies are more interested in generating revenue… maybe even be able to get to give a SECOND FLU SHOT if the flu season peaks in March… because those pts who got a shot in July/Aug.. their antibody titters could be TOO LOW and justify them getting a second flu shot…  what the hell … just more revenue for the chain that convinced them to get their ANNUAL FLU VACCINATION way too early.

The CDC estimates that upwards of 60,000 people die every year from the flu and of course, if a person dies from getting their flu shot too early and ends up catching the flu and dying… unlikely that whoever encouraged the pts to get a very early flu shot, will not experiences and financial consequences… Getting the flu shot – even on a timely manner….does not mean that they won’t catch the flu.

Personally, we try to get our annual flu vaccinations the last week of Sept or the first week of Oct.  It takes abt two weeks for antibodies to develop, so even if the flu season is very early – like starting in Nov… we should be covered for the entire flu season.


3 Responses

  1. Thanks for the advice!

  2. They should be a four letter chain.
    Very good.
    Another methods is, of course, minimizing the physical numbers of pathogens around us. In the operating room Surgical Technicians will minimize possible infections of patients and wipe all horizontal surfaces with alcohol in the morning. Sterile gowns and gloves have rules, …no hands can touch anything above the chest or below the waist or table. That is how we keep pathogens and dirt out of the incision. In other words; It never gets in in the FIRST PLACE.

  3. I’m so glad you pointed this out! I have been preaching this to friends and family for years. I always get the same respinse, “Why would my pharmacist and/or doctor steer me wrong?” Makes me want to pound my head against the wall. Again, thank you for spelling this out for those who don’t know or didn’t understand!

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