Figures never lie and liars always figure !

Dangerous prescriptions fell in Ohio in 2013, reports show

This showed up in the THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH today…

From the article:

Key to the new reports is the Morphine Equivalent Daily Dose. If that number is 80 milligrams or higher, which is the equivalent of 11 5-milligram oxycodone pills per day, it is a red flag that the patient could be at risk for overdose or developing a dangerous addiction to painkillers.

Ohio physicians recently began receiving new Practice Insight Reports, which list their top 25 patients in terms of drugs prescribed, patients ranked by the amount of opiates prescribed, and the top 10 drugs they prescribe

Imagine that.. anyone with moderate-severe chronic pain.. are at risk of overdosing or becoming addicted.. or we just under treat their pain.. and we leave them to be house bound … suffering in pain..

Deadly heroin overdoses double in 2012

This article appeared in the SAME NEWSPAPER … three months ago.

From the article:

Ohio’s campaign to reduce abuse of prescription painkillers has been making inroads, but it is having an unintended consequence: more-plentiful and dirt-cheap heroin, sometimes as low as $10 a dose. People who no longer can get pain pills are switching to less-expensive, more-available — and much more deadly — heroin.

The people who will die from abusing something.. are continuing to die.. abusing something… IMAGINE THAT !

AND… the bureaucrats… keep trying to make these people to reform.. by just trying to deprive them of a substance to abuse.. or throwing them in jail..

Is it just me… or does it not seem to be working… OR.. maybe letting those that would abuse substances … we just make it easier for them to do themselves in..  we try to stop drug abuse that way..


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