Federal “Nannism” continuing to expand ?

How low can you go ?


FDA set to pepper food firms to reduce salt


From the article:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Food companies and restaurants could soon face government pressure to make their foods less salty — a long-awaited federal effort to try to prevent thousands of deaths each year from heart disease and stroke.

The Food and Drug Administration is preparing voluntary guidelines asking the food industry to lower sodium levels, FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg told The Associated Press. Hamburg said in a recent interview that the sodium is “of huge interest and concern” to the agency.

Americans eat about 1½ teaspoons of salt daily, about a third more than the government recommends for good health and enough to increase the risk of high blood pressure, strokes and other problems. Most of that sodium is hidden inside common processed foods and restaurant meals.

Health groups would prefer mandatory standards, but say voluntary guidelines are a good first step.

When is the last time that “Federal guidelines” didn’t turn into “Federal mandates “?



One Response

  1. Nanny Bloomberg must have taken a job with the FDA

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