Facts vs assertions

I often see letters that pts post on the web that they have received from various insurance/PBM companies.

ASSERTION: Opiates are ADDICTING                           

FACT: when prescribed to chronic pain pt, there is a POTENTIAL of addition but depending on what studies you read, various percentages are claimed but generally most will be < 2%

ASSERTION:  OTC meds (NASIDS, Aspirin (ASA, Tylenol (Acetaminophen (APAP)) are as effective as opiates

FACT:   everything is DOSE DEPENDENT… a high dose of NASIDS/ASA/APAP vs a low dose of opiates – in some incidents may be true


                                                              FACT: all meds are potentially dangerous, ASA/NASID can cause kidney damage and intestinal bleeds (est 15,000/yr die from bleed outs). APAP can cause liver damage Liver injury from acetaminophen at low doses linked to fasting, heavy drinking

Under/Untreated pain can have its serious health consequences to pts – see chart below –  things like high blood pressure/hypertensive crisis… which can cause stroke, kidney/eye damage, death for starters.  It can cause increased anxiety, depression, suicidal idealization and even suicide itself.

The pt might want to respond to such letters with asking the insurance company if they understand and are prepared to incur the cost of treating all the comorbidity issues that could be worsened or other health issues that the pt might develop because of their under/untreated pain.

The pt might also want to state that he/she is sharing their letter and this letter with my family … in case the pt dies prematurely from the actions of the insurer/PBM. So that they will have documentation to consult legal counsel for any rights that the pt had under various disability laws and what options they have to seek restitution.




One Response

  1. Undertreated/non-treated pain CAUSES other serious physical and emotional issues. Real issues.. Now having to have my hypertension medication re-evaluated and my MD states that it has gotten worse at least partially because of undertreated pain. Pain from spine surgeries that I WAS effectively treated for with opiate MEDICATION for 23 years. Treated effectively enough to remain active enough to continue to own and operate my business of over 35 years. All gone now. Disabled, growing weaker, negative effects on overall physical health, more emotionally distressed and CDC nor DEA gives one damn about ANY pain patient that WAS treated effectively with prescribed, monitored, opiate medication with zero negative effect. Not just me but,10’s of millions of people! The “guideline” does not need revising, it needs be revoked completely.

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