Enforced Tapering: The Dangers of PAWS

If a person is stable on long term low-dose opioid therapy AND shows no signs of addiction, abuse or serious side effects: 1. WHY have Medical Authorities chosen to taper chronic pain patients from their mobility-restoring opioids, without supports in place? 2. WHY are chronic pain patients being advised they will experience “no long-term side effects from tapering”, yet many suffer from a life-changing condition known as Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome? 3. WHY have demonstrably flawed and “one-size-fits-all” Guidelines for Deprescribing Opioid Analgesics been released in Australia on 26-5-23?

3 Responses

  1. I watched the video, and my heart breaks for him. Put through years of hell for no damn good reason – except maybe to meet some made-up quota. I left a lengthy comment on his video. TY for the link.

  2. Insane what our government is doing to people in pain. Gov’t should NOT have any say in our medical care that greatly affects our lives & living!!!
    The “opioid crisis/epidemic”(rather hysteria) is a made up epidemic. It never was about prescription opioid pain medicines. That’s been proven! Its all from illegal street drugs. & by restricting access to Rx pain meds, its restricting pain patients lives. Forcing them to turn right to illegal street drugs where they’ll overdose &/or die or commit suicide. Or live with other serious medical conditions that could have been prevented had their pain been controlled.
    Now many have had to go through withdraws(& long term adverse affects) or greatly suffer being bed or homebound. Their lives have been greatly reduced to basically nothing. As well as having to deal with other medical issues from the stress of the pain.
    So much for being the “Land of the Free” or having freedom to LIVE! Its sickening!!!! Its torture!!! & it needs to STOP NOW!!!

    • I am right with you, Candi. It is disgusting what has happened to us, being pain patients. Treated less than addicts who get free methadone, etc. Yet we are denied basic meds that give us a life to contribute to society…

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