Drug Enforcement Administration’s plan to combat heroin and opioid in a holistic way.

DEA hosted a Summit to combat heroin and opioids


LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WHAS11) — Police officers, doctors, school counselors, investigators and a host of others tackling the Heroin epidemic in Kentuckiana.

They gathered at UofL’s Medical School on Thursday for a Heroin and Opioid Response Summit.

The summit included presentations, guest speakers and a community panel of addiction, treatment and recovery experts.

Those at the forefront of the fight say tackling epidemic is a community-wide effort that will take time and resources.

“We understand that we can’t just arrest our way out of this problem and that we need to collaborate treatment with the educators, with counselors along with all the other law enforcement agencies and first responders,” Timothy Plancon of the DEA said.

We at CADCA believe building the demand down for substances is the primary way to get at this problem in addition to the treatment that’s necessary,” Arthur Dean of the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America said.

Thursday’s summit is part of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s plan to combat heroin and opioid in a holistic way.

Representatives say there are other similar events being held around the country.

9 Responses

  1. Sometimes, there are people-who long ago experimented with different drugs..[like Sigmund-the psychiatrist, The LSD Guru, and many others], They experimented for “experience purposes”, not chronic Pain.
    Now we have a Global-Corporate Regime, whose mission it is to torture and DEPOPULATE by any means.
    I, as a person with many co-occurring diagnoses, as well as one beloved family member who is chronic and opiate dependent for quality of life am having to answer to such disgusting “theories” and mis information that makes me sick.
    I like Some “Holistic” doctors, but this is limited.
    When I was about to end my life during Obamas “Healthcare Reform Act” and proceeding “Shortages,” I ended-up in the psych ward for threatening suicide, Before all the Good Traditional doctors left. [and I was interrogated by 4 psychiatrists], it was confirmed by all-that what was really happening was indeed a “holocaust”. All those doctors have since left.
    When the psychiatrist from Belgium [after being assured that I didn’t hear voices and “see” anything] trusted I was telling the truth, he prescribed me Adequate and Timely Pain meds-to where I almost stayed in the psych ward just to find some peace…to be able to eat and sleep.
    My life now, and the chronic terrorism from witnessing the fraudulent manipulation of my medication, as-well as my only sister suffering from what the CDC is IGNORING, keeps me hopeless and full of fear as all we have is each other; Everyone left once they realized the fate of those of us alone and w/o family, too poor on DISSED-Ability.

  2. U know its like I said on th P.N.N…be humane to addicts,,but,,when those asddicts start blaming MY MEDICINE.,,MY DOCOTRS,, instead of taking responsibility for their own bodies,their brains disease,,,,thats were I get pisst off,,when they blame my medicine[a pill,]],or the doctor,,,for their disease,,,that where I get pisst,,,for no doctors ,n o medicine shoved that pill down their throats,,As adults they have the responsibility to take responsibility for their own brains,,,blaming a inanimate object like a pill is ludicrous and has only hurt legitimate medically ill humanbeings in physical pain,,,and the dea exploits these addicts who ineptly blame a inanimate object for their inability to take responsibility for their own brains,,the dea loves them,,,soo the can remain employed on our dime,, arresting mostly innocent doctors or literally scare them out of business,,thus denying our access to our medicine,,,mary

  3. If addiction is a disease then how come addicts can, if they so CHOOSE, quit using? My family has had to deal with the effects of our daughters addiction for too long to accept all the crap about the poor addict and how we should fix it for them! The addiction may not be a choice but acting on it is!

  4. Tracey,,,,Sadly if that wasn’t true,,,,it would be very very funny,,,I jmo suggest we alll look into herbal extraction kits….for the future of our treatment,,,,for physical pain,,,maryw

  5. “Thursday’s summit is part of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s plan to combat heroin and opioid in a holistic way.”

    In other words, they’re discouraging medical students from prescribing opioids for those in pain when those medical students become doctors themselves. You know, because none of us chronic painers have any clue as to all the other alternative treatments (you know, the ones that are TOO EXPENSIVE and/or completely INEFFECTIVE for most of us). It’s always nice to know that our federal law enforcement agency, along with others who have no license (or experience) to practice medicine, is now teaching our future doctors. The treatment for pain will become known as BYOB (bring your own bottle).

  6. Just let addicts kill themselves and each other. I am sick of pandering to people’s poor choices!

    • Addiction is a disease and not a choice. The best way I can describe it is that the drug or substance is like a match. The logs in the fire is the person who has the disease. A person who has addiction possibilities will not have a problem until the drug ( or match lites it). The problem is many people do not know they are addicted to a substance until after they take the drug. Those who are not addicts can take the drug with no problems. Once a addict is on a drug and abusing it they start having such denial that they explain away the reason for their down fall is their drug use. Over time the addict ends up dealing with depression and hopelessness set in. Some find the courage to get treatment but many cannot. It is hard to understand if you don’t have the disease, just like it may be for other to understand how you can be in pain all the time.

      • Jenifer,,i am not going to re-write my story,,but if u have time,,look up on Pain News network,,”The addict is not our enemy,”’ I think,,,look under maryw comments,,,,then u can easily see how anyone can be in physical pain for decades…Medical errors,,limitation in medical testing,thus inability to see the tru cause of someone physical pain,,prejudice towards women,,,their are many ways someone can remain in physical pain for decades,,,now more then ever,,for now ,,because of the ,”save thee addicts,”’ and a completely out of control dea,,abuse of ,”just power,” our MEDICINES our being forcible taken from,,thus access denied,,our doctors are quitting,,50 % so far,,leaving legitimately medically ill humanbeings left to suffer in physical pain,,,,Also if u have time,,type in Petition to Congress Do no harm,,dea target pphysicians,,”,,34,000 letters,comments,,read em,,for these humanbeings have been forced to endure physical pain,,from this era of save thee addict,,,genocide to the chronic pain patient ideology,,maryw


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