drug dealer claims that legalizing Heroin will put him out of a job

New York Becomes First State to Legalize Heroin


The state of New York made history this week, following on the heels of the wave of marijuana legalizations across the country. Recreational use of heroin will become fully legal in the state by the end of this year.

The decision was met with controversy, but “no more or less than the original decision to legalize marijuana,” Governor Andrew Cuomo stated. The state is still figuring out some guidelines and ground rules for suppliers, such as purity levels, permits, and health code requirements.

One of the major points in making this decision came from the number of dealers and users of the drug who repeatedly end up in New York’s correctional facilities.


“By legalizing, monitoring, and taxing heroin, we will not only cut down on inmates and care costs, but also open up a whole new job market,” Cuomo explained. “It’s a good situation all around, especially for taxpayers.”

A program is already in its early stages to rehabilitate and compensate imprisoned heroin dealers to return to society and act as the leading distributors, hoping to speed up this process while simultaneously reintroducing inmates to society.

Some of the decision’s most outspoken opponents, however, have been current dealers.

“Making it legal is a terrible idea,” a dealer, who chooses to remain anonymous, told us. “We don’t want it regulated. We make good money how it is now, but regular guys like me won’t be able to keep up with all the government regulations. This is gonna put me out of a job!”

 Nonetheless, experts estimate this act will drop the state’s debt by as much as 50% in the first year. This may translate into tax cuts, more public projects, better road maintenance, and possibly even government rehabilitation programs for more dangerous drugs like cigarettes.

8 Responses

  1. I reckoned that this was an early April Fools joke as the State of NY would be in a huge p*ss*ng match with the Feds over such an issue. Given the current political climate to treat everyone who uses opioids as an addict and a criminal (some of whom, like the CPP, haven’t been arrested yet), I can’t see any of the bottom-feeder class, aka the politicos and their bureaucratic appointees, risking their cushy careers over this issue. Still, this wold be a far better way of treating the genuine addicts in this country as it would decouple the genuine addicts from the legitimate CPP population. Right now, this is the last thing that the powers that be want. I’m not sure what the intermediate goal is, but as always, there is a yet another power grab and a ton more of cash that ultimately motivates such actions by the State.

    The current prohibition model and related policies have been a dismal failure, yet there is too much power and money tied up in this current model to simply allow the sane, moral and ethical dumping of the current policy and a harm reduction model of some sort being implemented as a replacement..until we, as a people withdraw our consent to be ruled in such a way and withdraw said consent by shouting, “NO!”. The fear by the State is that if we withdraw our consent, various and sundry individuals and bureaucracies will be thrown into “withdrawal” by the sudden loss of power and money…the substances to which the State is addicted.

  2. This is absolutely ludicrous!!! To the millionth degree!!!

  3. It will be very interesting to see the results of New York’s legalization of Heroin. I suppose we could consider this a test case for the entire country. What we are doing now is not working. The DEA has grown ‘fat’ from the confiscation of property from the people they arrest. I would like to see a drastic cut in funding of the DEA.

  4. Those satire sites have gotten me before lol. That being said, I personally love that this issue has been brought up here as I always love reading others’ opinions on the issue (regardless if I I agree or not). I love reading different opinions and views (and the reasoning behind it).

    First, I’d like to see the DEA permanently defunded, then go through a complete overhaul, beginning with stripping their ability to monitor doctors or just abolish them (I say first be permanently defunded because we all know it would never happen, but,at least, they’d be defunded lol). All overly-strict state and federal prescription laws, including the one where addicts can sue their drs for their addiction.(That one takes the cake).

    I’d also like to see the US implement the way it is handled in Britain. (I know this is a controversial view.) Obviously, what we’ve been doing has not been working. Britain has pharmaceutical-made heroin (prescription name: diamorphine) Heroin-assisted treatment clinics, a safe dosage of diamorphine , and new (clean) needles and counseling sessions.

    I think to qualify, the addict first has to first try various treatments, including methadone medication maintenance therapy but not 100% on that. It’s tightly controlled, but it seems to be working. It takes the crime out of obtaining the substance, drug cartels could no longer make a profit, gangs might quit fighting over territory, etc.

    Diamorphine is a tightly controlled prescription medication over there that is also prescribed to those with diseases/syndromes (terminal or non-terminal) or inoperable permanent injuries that cause severe chronic pain. Diamorphine is reserved for those severe pain patients who no longer responds to all the other other prescription opioid medications. This is just my opinion 🙂

    • Agree 100%. What we have been doing has been a colossal abysmal failure. Is drug addiction is a mental illness then we are incarcerated mentally ill people by the boatloads. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Can you think of what the United States could have done with trillions and trillions of dollars spent over the last 40 plus years???? That would have easily covered universal healthcare for all and college education for everyone who wanted a college degree in addition to repairing the crumbling infrastructure in our country. There would be no child hungry in the entire country. All how many other things could we have spent that money on which would have improved our country tremendously.

  5. OMG …. I know they have places like methadone clinics that give out controlled doses of pharmaceutical heroin in Europe and Onsite, a monitored self injection facility, but thos sounds more like an April Fool’s here in the USA. Maybe they need to make “opioid refugee camps for pain patients a la the old TB sanitariums?

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