Did Chief Justice John Roberts pull a fast one?

The US Supreme Court is suppose to be the “end of the battle”, when it rules on a issue that it undertakes. Reportedly the administration’s argument about Obamacare was the right of Congress to regulate commerce. Apparently during oral arguments, the issue of the money being extracted from individuals to pay for Obamacare was in fact a TAX was “touched upon”.

It would seem that the Chief Justice himself… wrote the majority opinion on this issue..  In writing his opinion, he chose to basically re-write the whole argument and came to the conclusion that Obamacare  is a TAX .. and had nothing to do with the regulation of commerce.

Instead of being the “end of the battle”, Roberts left the door open for Congress to deal with this new TAX. Some of the arguments that this is in fact a tax is that it is being collected by the IRS and it is a per-cent of your income… if it walks….. quacks… smells like a DUCK… it must be a DUCK…

How many of those in Congress that voted for Obamacare, would have done so.. if it was originally properly labeled as a new TAX? One in the Senate, failing to vote for Obamacare.. and it would not have been passed.

AND.. now that it is officially classified as a TAX .. it only takes 51 votes in the Senate to get it changed… not the normal super majority of 60 votes.

Did Roberts do a “political act” to make the Supreme Court appear to be non-political?

No matter what, how you label it… it would appear that the whole Obamacare issue has been thrown back into Congress’ lap.

Politics never seems to be dull for very long…

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