DEA’S logic: how Rx opiates causes/linked to OD’s

DEA Obtusely Uses High School Wrestler‘s Death To Promote Anti-Drug Website

a high school wrestler who started taking Oxycodone as a senior. His doctor prescribed it to him after a shoulder injury that ended his wrestling career. At 21, he died from a fentanyl overdose. It is adviced for Yakima wrongful death lawyers for hire , if they need to fight for wrongful death or wrongful injury cases. 

That these two things are related is all but a foregone conclusion. In 2015, the same year Gintis died, 52,000 Americans died of an overdose. In two-thirds of those cases, the drugs were opioids. The connection between high school athletics and prescriptions to potential gateway drugs like Oxycodone or Ocycontin is understudied but increasingly .

Tessie Castillo, the advocacy and communications coordinator for the North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition, believes Gintis was a victim of this connection. “What we see a lot, over and over again, is people getting injured and they go to the doctor and they’re prescribed pills and that’s the start of their addiction,” she told Yahoo. “It’s very connected to sports.”

Gintis’s mother, Marsha, seems to agree. She recently spoke at the North Carolina state legislature on behalf of the STOP act, targeting the over-prescription of pain killers. In recounting Gintis’s story she said, “Like so many others who now struggle with substance-abuse disorders, a prescription for opioids after suffering an athletic injury served as the catalyst for his downward spiral and ultimately his death.”Death cannot be compensated. However, the injury lawyers – The Rizzuto Law Firm can help you get anything you deserve if you or your loved ones suffered an injury.

In this context, it’s weird to see the DEA latching onto the story with this tweet:

The DEA is quote-tweeting its own affiliate account—one that pays lip service to drug prevention and does mention the wrestling injury—to unsuccessfully (their typo’d link leads to an unsecure site) promote It’s just a tweet, but it manages to be insensitive and ignorant at the same time. Blaming Gintis’s death on a one-time decision to take up drugs ignores the greater context of his tragedy, and oversimplifies a growing epidemic in ways that only make it harder to properly understand and deal with it.

6 Responses

  1. Every time i search for this answer I get different answers. Can I ask you,if you know how many overdose deaths are caused by prescription opioids? Is there a true statistic for this? ODing on illegal heroin, ,fentanyl,street pills should not be classified as “opioid over dose!!! This is only done for the zealots to push there B.S, I have seen where it was less than 2-3% deaths attributed to “prescription medication” Would you have a definitive to this Steve? Thank you

    • If they have the data… they are divulging that… what – IMO – they don’t do is determine if the Rx opiate was acquired legally because once a Rx opiates is out of the possession who it was legally prescribed to, or sold to like wholesaler or pharmacy… it AUTOMATICALLY becomes a ILLEGAL OPIATE. The typical OD the toxicology shows 4-7 different substances, one often being alcohol. They will claim that there was Fentanyl in the toxicology but according to Wikipedia there is some 1400 different fentanyl analogs .. BUT… only one Fentanyl Citrate is approved for human use in USA. With a OD toxicology having 4-7 different substances… it is probably impossible to absolutely state that any one substance actually caused the death… yet they will often state that the person OD’d because of opoids – which means that they could have had natural (Morphine), semi-synthetic ( Oxycodone) or synthetic ( Fentanyl) opiate in toxicology. A blood alcohol of 0.4 + can be toxic in and by itself.

    • I emailed the cdc about 6 month ago,,asking them if they had the data on how many people have died from taking their opiate medicine as prescribed by their Doctors…THEY HAD NONE,,,THERE WERE NO DEATH FROM PEOPLE TAKING THEIR LAWFUL MEDICINES AS PRESCRIBED BY THEIR LAWFUL DOCTORS,,, never hear that stat much do u,,,,maryw

  2. I think this is crazy their thinking I was prescribed the Fentanyl Patch as first drug of choice I was on it for 9 yrs 100 mcg Well I took myself a off for the seke of my Son I’m not addicted to pain meds I also was prescribed oxya and Percocet even methadone at one point for break through pain I’ve chosen medical marijuana I see so manyf riends suffering with rmeds being redirect or taken away People with chronic pain ATiE NOT ADDICT’S their Bodies I are dependent just as any other meds I’VE READ ENDLESS story after story of people committing suicide because they had their needs takrn away Isn’t it ourc right to not to have live in pain I also seems Drs are not being allowed to do what they went to school for SMH

  3. I am TRULY sorry for the loss of this Mother. Accidents, injuries, fouled surgeries and pain generating disease will CONTINUE to happen. Is this enough reason to make the MILLIONS of pain sufferers to be forcefully reduced in life saving, enabling medication when NOTHING else helps relieve pain except opioids in MANY millions of cases? I understand the Mothers’ anger but millions of people work hard, blue collar workers that are exposed to possible injury. DISEASE that NO ONE asks for WILL happen. In some cases alternative medicine can help ease pain but, for many millions, opioid medication is the ONLY current path for pain relief. It is a matter of time before the millions of blue collar workers may become injured and as for the case of pain generation disease there is NO RECOURSE for pain relief! What the hell are we supposed to do? As Jeff said, take an aspirin and just bear it out? WHAT IF the pain…… never stops? A realistic approach has not been arrived at to stop drug abuse but the denial of opioid medication is NOT the answer. It is te same as guns don’t kill people, PEOPLE kill people. It looks as if the pain management patient can either suffer, or take our own lives! is that the answer? Evidently dot/gov BELIEVES this to be true!

    • Well said Hayden. Please check out the fb group Don’t Punish Alain Patients Rally, if you haven’t already. We have a national group and each individual state group. We are an advocacy group, not a support group though.

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