CVS: Where “Health is EVERYTHING”.. just not clear what EVERYTHING includes

13062119_10209521987309403_4047463952754413456_nI made this post a few days ago … 

regarding the leaflet to the left that was passed out in Chicago market at the end of April.. BELOW is a post on a Pharmacist’s Face Book page… today..

Can anyone imagine a company that has a HOSTILE WORK ENVIRONMENT in their P&P as not being tolerated and tolerating a pt calling the police on a staff Pharmacist ?

That being said, there is a growing number of Senior Pharmacists formerly employed by CVS that have taken them to court over EEOC/age discrimination and have WON and there are still many lining up to do the same.


“Let’s Make Pharmacy Great Again”   Bob Jack




I just got fired from CVS after over 20 years of LOYAL service.
Never had any problems as per even the Human Resources person.

Just one day a really abusive customer came in and I had to tell her to calm down to fix her insurance co-payment and she said “are you threatening me” very loudly back to me and the next thing I know she calls the police on ME.

A policeman shows up at the consultation area 30 minutes later and I was told by the policeman that I’ve been “relieved” of my duty as per my immediate supervisor.

I was in suspension (not working) for 5 weeks BEFORE they told me I was fired. They were evaluating the incident for 5 LONG weeks. So I got fired 5 weeks later after the incident by a district manager and by PHONE!

How great is CVS. I wasn’t even verbally warned or even written up by any of the higher ups first…. NO just fired. First problem I had in 20 + years and fired because of a seriously abusive customer who by the way has a history of always complaining in the store and is on Medical Assistance from our state and a few other things I can’t say.
NICE they probably even gave her a $100 gift card that day for bad behavior. “Yer come back into the store again we love your kind”.

So let me sum this up for everyone..It’s OK at CVS for ANY customer to walk in and scream bloody murder at us and they get rewarded or nothing happens to them..and all I can do is go back to the computer and continue checking prescriptions in the red. And get fired.
Oh did I forget to mention one thing…I’m 64 (well will you look at that!!!)


To ALL those pharmacy interns or anyone looking to work as a pharmacist at CVS please before you make your decision go see a Psychiatrist FIRST get a thorough mental examination and then apply for a job doing something else or for someone else..

One Response

  1. This is sad,,jmo ,its plan to me,,they were looking for any excuse NOT to pay out your retirements,,,M y hubby was also ,”let go,”’ after 24.6 years at wastemanagemnt,,,for a cup of tea,,,and we could prove it in a court of law,via otc drug making kit[test kit] on the market,negative for any drugs what so ever,,in this tea,,,and a chemist from U.W,,Madison,,,but the truth did not matter,,,my husband was threaten w/jail time ,,if he brought his evidence forward,,,Soo,,,,its happening everywhere,,,Also as I mentioned earlier my doctors son wanted /is following in his father footsteps,,,a anastethieologist[sp] with a specialty in pain management…12 years,,,,of schooling in Iowa,,,and now he is being told,,,”do not go into pain management,” by the ama,,,In the time he was in school,,,pain management has been destroyed,,,sad,,,

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