Could the BOP’s use the RPH surplus to continue to ignore their primary charge of patient safety ?

IMO… and most people that have three brain cells holding hands…. realize that most med errors have a underlying system failure issue.  It has been documented that 75% of the BOP’s have chain execs setting on them. Before the upcoming surplus of Pharmacists became apparent, could it have been at the influence of those on the BOP’s to go lenient on RPH’s that have made med errors.. since replacing RPH’s – in a time of shortage – was difficult and could be harmful to the business and profits of the chains. The employers of those same execs that sit on 75% of the BOP’s !

Now that we have a surplus, is that incentive to be lenient  quickly disappearing? Could the BOP’s start taking a hard stance on RPH’s – especially PIC’s – that are involved with med errors. To give the illusion that they are “being tough” on med errors… revoking licenses, long suspensions, huge fines….. all the while ignoring staff fatigue from long hours, under staffing and all the other system issues that are common in today’s corporate pharmacy dept work environment and letting the permit holder have a “free pass”?

Those of you who are PIC”s … unless you haven’t figured it out by now… you are now in the professional liability insurance business… read your practice act and the company’s P&P.  You have basically pledged all your assets, your job and your license on the Rx dept running completely legal…. even when you are not there…

You know there is a old saying “… what you perceive .. is what you believe…”… we are all familiar with the stock quotes from the chains – how they use advanced industry standards – when a med error gets to the media. Will the coming surplus give the BOP’s similar stock quotes to give the perception that they are doing something about med errors and patient harms.  Can’t you just see it… “… we have suspended/revoked the RPH’s license that was involved….”  ie .. WE GOT RID OF THAT BAD APPLE !

In the work environment that we typically work in today… is it rational to expect perfection out of imperfect humans?

One Response


    Page 125 yup up 100%

    A year ago

    Maybe 1000by now

    I’m teching it til this passes

    This will not continue

    We are watching you wag

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