Control Freaks

Stossel : Control Freaks

Stossel is admittedly  a converted PROGRESSIVE to being a LIBERARIAN.. I was “surfing channels” the other night/morning (01:00-02:00) and stopped on this piece. Congress’ approval rating is in the single digits.. yet … 90% get reelected… and this could can be explained how ? This episode brings to front and center how our bureaucracy is creating more and more “morality laws”. Maybe we are not electing Democrats and Republicans but all are “closet Puritans” ?


2 Responses

  1. Ever since Stossel got hit in the head on 20/20, he’s lost it.

    I’d much rather bail out insurance companies to provide better care than fund illegal or immoral wars. These false Fox moralists care about nothing but their own bottom lines, screw everyone else. Note how mental health things are treated so anathema. He throws in “talk therapy” in as if it makes no sense. Hello? Plenty of people need guidance and there’s no shame in that, or need grief counseling, etc.

    shame on these heartless libertarians and conservatives

  2. It would be great to know who in politics care about the disabled and discrimination. And to know which ones have common sense. Any suggestions for the terrible Tennessee residents?

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