Chronic Pain Patients’ Pain Management Survey

Chronic Pain Patients’ Pain Management Survey

Dr. Terri Lewis and I are reopening Chronic Pain Patients’ Pain Management Survey. It’s short and only takes a moment to complete. It’s only open till 8/4/17. Please complete (if you haven’t yet) and repost in every group you know, if you would please.

5 Responses

  1. I have been forced to live off a liquid diet because of this discramation on my medication, that the government has taken out of my doctors hands, and placed them in the hands of the dealer’s on the streets. My jaw was broken by a dentist extracting a molar, I called 3 times stating, it feels like my jaw is broken, only to be told that it was connected to a sinus cavity and that was the reason for so much pain. 9 months later when I got a new doctor, they discovered that indeed my jaw had been broken and mended it’s self back together, causing so much damage, that an oral surgeon told me that he could charge my insurance company thousands of dollars, to do a surgery, that could not fix the damage. I was told that the pain would only get worse as time passed and I would survive on a pain regiment for the test of my life. I also suffer from fibromyalgia and severe anxiety. Which I have just been told, that because some junkie is using my anxiety meds on the streets, that I was going to denied my very meds, that allow me to leave the house. I drop down to 98 PDs throughout the month, because of the pain from my jaw. As usual, the government has taken the legal and the rights of the citizens to live a pain free life, and placed in the hands of the illegal, where my medication are being sold for anxiety and pain. Leaving these dealers to prey on the disabled and handicapped. Seriously? The epic fail on the so called war on drugs, is right outside your windows, please do not create another mess, without cleaning up the real problem. FYI, meth addicts don’t use pain meds and heroin addicts, have no use for them, and it is by far cheaper, to buy heroin. The only thing that this is doing, is taking the lives away from the pain suffer and making the street dealers making more money off my meds, then any other drug they are selling. Anybody involved in this discramation, should be voted out and made to serve time with the dealer’s, for being guilty by association.

    • Ur absolutely right. The government needs to stay out of the Drs office and let them treat the patients that they were trained to do from 8 years of schooling. They took the hipacratic oath. Let them treat people with compassion and let them live a pain free as possible life.

  2. Thank u Steve,,MARY

  3. Can’t get into the survey on Facebook. Is in a private group?

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