Behind the public image

magglassI was talking to one of the Pharmacist that works for a major chain that claims that they are so interested in your health that it is now part of their name.

It would seem that this chains concern about the health of their employees …is not as focused as their ads would suggest they are concerned about the community at large. Of course, they are wanting those in the community to come into their stores and spend their money… to help make this chain’s bottom line more “healthy”.

What I was told that in this particular – rather large sq ft – 24 hr store… during the overnight shift… there is one Pharmacist and one cashier – at the front register. IN THE ENTIRE STORE. Both employees are SENIOR CITIZENS !

I am told that the seasonal merchandise is stacked so high that the Pharmacist in the rear of the store… can’t see the cashier in the front of the store.

This store – like most retail stores – has video cameras covering most of the store..but.. neither of the employees has access to a monitor to view what is going on in the entire store.. I understand the monitor(s) are locked up in the manager’s office..

I just wonder how meal or rest room breaks are handled .. with just two employees in this large a store ?

I don’t know if this store has silent hold up button… but.. I know this corporation has a policy that no matter if an employee is properly licensed.. cannot carry a fire arm.. so whether it is a silent hold up button or phone call.. when seconds count… the cops are only minutes away …

So when the typical pharmacy has controlled medications in stock worth tens of thousands of dollars “on the street”… when is the last time you heard of someone robbing a pharmacy for CASH ?

You can come to your conclusion if this chain’s concern about a person’s health is extended to their employees or if all their promotions about “concern about your health” is more about their bottom line and less about your health…  After all.. they still sell alcohol/beer/liquor !

3 Responses

  1. I knew I should have asked for extra wages on that

  2. New jod title for overnight…JIC(Janitor In Charge)

  3. When I worked overnight, I I left the pharmacy empty to go to the restroom, there was as mircowave in the back of the pharmacy, the cashier used the restroom up front, locked her register and would bring her food to the back to heat up and take it back up front to eat. We didnt have much business overnight. But you are right, panic buttons were not very accessible. I was expected to do trash and take it to back to compressor, stock bottles and vials, clean pharmacy. In other words I was stock person as well as RPh. Cashier stocked shelves and cleaned, looking back I was very lucky we werent robbed, today I wouldnt work overnight without carrying, corporate violation or not…my life is worth more than inventory. I was aquanited with the phsrmacist murdered years ago at the Osco in South Bend execution style. Haunted me ever since when I open or close a store.

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