Because you asked !




Could you please post this?

If anyone has been wrongfully terminated or retaliated against at the Wag, I would love to hear your story. Please email

4 Responses

  1. What does any of this have to do with the post? She/he is reaching out for others wrongfully terminated to help her cause and you are all talking about “pee” test? That really makes sense!

  2. JB..In IN, The ACLU has filied a lawsuit against the AG for requiring pain patients to submit to mandatory pee tests starting jan 1 2015, based on the above amendments.

  3. JB…That would be or has been thrown out under both 4th amendment illegal search and seizure without a warrant, and 5th amendment due process and probable cause laws in the workplace challenges.

  4. I think since we have to take pee tests, that everyone who works at a pharmacy needs to take them too. They work with more pain medication than the people on them. I would like to start a petition that requires people who work with any Class II would require to be tested. How can I start this?

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