Be thankful we’re not getting all the government we’re paying for.

“Lord, the money we do spend on Government and it’s not one bit better than the government we got for one-third the money twenty years ago.”
Will Rogers

Production up.. quality up.. prices down.. abuse up 500% -600% and they admit that things are unlikely to change.. it has taken them 100 yrs to figure this out?

3 Responses

  1. Somewhere on one of the pharmacy facebook pages, someone had a link about Canada has legalized heroin clinics where addicts can come in and get quality heroin, clean supplies and shoot up 3 times a day. Crime is down, ODs are down, the clinics are staffed by medical personnel and they get check ups and can get their addiction treated by a doctor which is illegal here by virtue of the Harrison Tax Act.

  2. When you take away the pain care of millions of people who suffer from legit chronic pain be it from car accidents or diseases you take away the only thing that gives people with chronic pain some relief, no it doesn’t completely take away the ongoing pain it makes life livable. Without certain pain medication people suffer so some turn to the streets and get hooked on heroin, way to go DEA.

    This past year has been the worst, pharmacist afraid to fill pain medications in fear of losing their job or being raided by the DEA its all pretty sick. I’ve seen America take a downward spiral not just with this thing of trying to take away pain meds from legit chronic pain sufferers but allowing people who don’t belong here in the U.S. stay and not be sent back to their own country cause more crime because they cant find work. These millions of people need to be sent back to their place of birth if their not American citizens. The better part of them are heroin addicts.

  3. I am not surprised and we knew this would happen when they made the prescription meds impossible to get. Sadly more will die from this than the numbers anywhere near the legit meds. I would bet that some are legit patients who can’t their medicine anymore, who are suffering and then of course THE real who addicts that need their fix to get that buzz.
    The government created all this!! with zero balance. 100 million people with daily pain? Who could be surprised? Americans seem to LOVE their drugs.. The DEA is not going to be able to STOP all this.. So best to end the war drugs like Portugal did. Surprisingly? They didn’t have an increase of drug problems, once it wasn’t a crime anymore.. Drug use didn’t rise.. I wonder why??
    Shame on the US government for allowing pain relief and then ripping out from under people. It’s there fault!!! Heroin is far worse than legal pre measured-dose medicines. They thought 16,000 OD’s were a lot? Just wait! Now there will be more HIV, Hep C and any lord knows what.
    Gee.. what a mess they made…

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