As seen posted on another closed Face Book page for chronic painers

As seen posted on another closed Face Book page for chronic painers

“Both my adoptive parents worked for the federal government their entire working lives. My dad, who was a supervisory accountant with General Services Administration, is now retired, but my mom still works for GSA. Anyway, she pays bills for a lot of government agencies and she was talking to her contact at the DEA about a bill and he asked how I was doing.

Of course, the subject of pain meds came up and he told her something that will probably not shock you, but will make you angry. The DEA has an internal goal of removing opioids from the hands of patients by not allowing doctors to prescribe them. They would like to see the goal accomplished by 2020. If they get their way, it will be illegal for doctors to prescribe opioids *in the US* *for any reason”

4 Responses

  1. I’m a member of this group; the person who posted it is trying to find out if she can attain documentation. This isn’t surprising to me and completely believable. Our government is slowly and sneakily stealing our rights to access to appropriate medical care, so it’s not surprising that we’ve heard nothing official yet. The goal is $$$ saved by genocide of a large and fragile population that has difficulty fighting back.

    It’s like the boiling frog analogy. If you were to put a frog in hot water, he would notice and jump out right away. But if you put him in lukewarm water and slowly raise the temperature by degrees, he adjust until he boils to death.

  2. I agree with both @damnitwtf & @mary… I could be all made up, you would think something like this would be known. My husband even said there fn stupid if they do that. It doesn’t sound right at all, really it’s quite f up if you ask me. On the other hand we have the government as our doctors , & our actual doctors took it as the law when it’s been clearly said in the guidelines , these are guidelines , it’s been said so many times since. I’d like to believe that the America I grew up in,is better than letting a dying child with cancer be in agonizing pain??? Or anyone for that matter. Of course I didn’t truly think Ohio would do what it did but , I’m freaking worried about my next appointment ( my doctor does everything by the guidelines already ) because more doctor’s are going to decide it’s not worth it, I’m not worth the risks , even though he follows the guidelines. Or that CMS is doing what they’re doing to medicaid & medicare. I guess you just never know… like I said Mary the doctors are our government & it would be so bad if this happens to anyone that has chronic pain or acute pain! We’d have to do something…. too many of us suffer! X Jess

  3. There doing it already,,,,,I knew it,,,,This is practicing medicine w/out a liscence,,,,,I we don’t fight back,,,we’ll be dead,,,literally,,,,mary

  4. At my job, a part time secretary pays bills. It’s not hard job or take special skills. Also this secretary likes to gossip and start drama shit.

    could be here too, dunno

    you’d think this would have been leaked in a email from a public records request or something if it was super prevalent. Usually this kind of goal starts at the top and bored workers and ass kissers stir it up

    they have a big hurdle if they want to do anything like that too. like the pain patient bill of rights

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