As I watch the national news tonight

Now part of the national Presidential debate is the profiling of foreigners as to try and identify those that may be terrorists. Of course, there are people on both sides of the argument.. Several years ago, New York City prohibited the police dept from profiling .. called “stop and frisk”..

But isn’t PROFILING being used by doctors, nurses, pharmacists as to who is or is not a legit chronic pain pt ? So profiling to catch those who may harm others is NOT A GOOD THING… but .. profiling people who may be suffering from an addictive personality disorder is a GOOD THING ?

Profiling is NEVER 100% correct nor ever perfect… so our society has decided that some collateral damage is acceptable – like chronic pain pts that get denied appropriate therapy is a human right issue we are willing to overlook…

It has now been ONE WEEK since the 49 people died in the PULSE nightclub shooting  in Orlando and the incident is still in the news.  Did you see on TV the 161 veterans that have committed suicide in the average week  out of the total of 960 people that will have committed suicide or a similar number that would have died from a HOMICIDE… most likely from a gun.  Or the 19,000+ ABORTIONS in the past week.. Or the 10,000+ that died from the use/abuse of Alcohol & Nicotine ? Or the abt 4,000 that die from medical errors.

And don’t miss the week long special on NBC  starting tomorrow on ADDICTION IN AMERICA

When are we going to see a media focus the denial of care being caused by the CDC new opiate guidelines. How often have you seen a person who has been harmed by an ACCIDENT and sues and is awarded $$ for PAIN AND SUFFERING… If a prescriber or pharmacists cuts back or denies a chronic pain pts their medication.. that is NO ACCIDENT.. it is the INTENTIONAL infliction of PAIN AND SUFFERING.

Why is there not the ability to sue for the intentional infliction of pain and suffering by these healthcare professionals ?

A couple of days ago I posted this website  What is Patient Abandonment?

It primarily address abandonment by a physician… but – IMO – ARNP, NP, PA, Pharmacists can also be guilty of abandonment. This website will help you find an attorney in your area that may consider your case.  Have good documentation – like audio/video of healthcare practitioners telling you that they are cutting/denying your pain meds without any concern of the consequences to you.

You may get a “not interested” when you contact them… but if hundreds or thousands of inquires may eventually change their minds.  Likewise, attorneys like most professionals have closed Face Book pages, go to state/national conventions and if the conversation can be turned between them to all the inquiries about chronic pain pts being denied their meds and intentionally being thrown into pain, suffering and unable to do normal daily tasks.

There is a MASSIVE SURPLUS of attorneys… because of all the media coverage of the ADDICTION EPIDEMIC.. they don’t realize that the EPIDEMIC is involving abt 2 million people and the DENIAL OF CARE EPIDEMIC.. involves 106 MILLION.

Just because your chronic pain is invisible .. you don’t need to make it make YOU INVISIBLE to those in our society that could possibly change all of this denial of care. But if dozens or tens of dozens of law firms each get hundreds of inquires from well documented chronic pain pts that are being denied appropriate therapy.

The media and many of the agencies within the Federal alphabet soup of agencies are hyper-focused on those 2.1 million substance abusers…just a fraction of the numbers that are using/abusing the two drugs of Alcohol and Nicotine..

They are controlling the FACADE of this FABRICATED EPIDEMIC.  They are controlling you and your quality of life.  Forget about the politicians.. they are locked into the war on drugs.. they have been for over 100 yrs and it seems like nothing is going to change as long as 99% of those who seek reelection … gets reelected.

There is no “george” or White Knight coming over the horizon coming to save your ass.

2 Responses

  1. We/ve have been saying this for a couple of years now,,the media,,the government willfully ignores there own act of terrorisms onto the physically ill,,,there act of torture and genocide onto us,,,,every day..mary

  2. Our nation seems to see all these reforms as a win-win. Fewer drugs to somehow get in the bodies of “innocent”, unsuspecting people who are sucked into the cycle of addiction with no say in the matter, healthcare savings on prescriptions for public/private insurance, and fewer people on disability due suicides. Now THAT is some smart public policy…..unless of course, YOU, yourself develop chronic pain.

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