Another victory for the DEA ?


spiketheballRobbing a pharmacy when controlled meds are involved is a FEDERAL CRIME … like robbing a bank… So the FBI is required to get involved. As law enforcement shut down, or intimidate prescribers into stop writing or writing fewer controls… those that both want and or have a legit medical necessity will find some way to get those meds.

This particular incident happened in TERRY, MS with a population of abt 1000  according to there are only TWO PHARMACIES in this small town.. both independents.

Congress created this “black market”… with the passing of The Harrison Narcotic Act 1914 and the courts determining that the mental health disease – ADDICTION – when addiction involved opiates was a CRIME.. then created the DEA to “fight” this black market.. Now it would seem that the DEA is succeeding in denying patients with legit medical necessity for using controlled meds… a estimated 116 million… while trying to keep a estimated 6 million who are abusing some substance – other than alcohol and tobacco -..

Which is causing Pharmacies to be robbed and broken into.. which is more job security for those in the DOJ ?

More drugs get diverted to the street… which is the primary charge of the DEA… to arrest those that divert.. So is the DEA creating an environment to help assure that drugs gets diverted to the street.. thru pharmacy robberies and break-ins ?   This Pharmacist just got kicked in the head… how long before another one gets killed.. it has happened before.. it is just a matter of time before it happens again.

Is this similar to fire fighters encouraging arsonists to set fires to buildings so they justify their existence … demonstrate that there is a need for more fire stations, more fire fighters, more equipment ?


One Response

  1. My guess is that it’s not the ones with chronic pain causing the crime because despite the DEA they are patients not criminals and too sick. If the DEA and politicians ever figures out the differences between patients and criminals they might be out of a job. Unfortunately due to pharmacies refusing to fill prescriptions and doctors scared to treat patients they may be forced to the streets just to have relief. Isn’t that a shame when the ill get help from the dealers rather than the doctors that agreed to care for us. Something is wrong with my logic today. Despite the Times pharmacists have lied to me they still deserve safe working conditions.

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