Another issue of helping a pt to BE WELL ?

stevemailboxMy brother’s wife just had a C-section in Kissimme FL,  and he was looking to fill his for his wife’s discharge medication, Oxycodone/APAP 5/325 #30. He was turned away from a couple pharmacies, so he called me, saying: “Hope you have some pharmacist back door before I have to do the whole pharmacy crawl” (his words). He has a discharge script from a local hospital, for a common drug that isn’t a high quantity, and had enough trouble filling it he called me from out of state, hoping he wouldn’t have to go from pharmacy to pharmacy.

Unfortunately, my chain isn’t in Florida, so I can’t look in the system on who was it. I called the local Walgreens pharmacist who I know, but their system will not allow her to access CII inventory in another store. I had to look up on their web site to find a store close by, call it, reach the POWER center and get transferred to the store and speak to the pharmacist to find if they had a common drug to direct my brother to.

(Called Walgreens, because besides all their problems, still better then the evil that is CVS. I wouldn’t send them business if I can help it)

My brother had family issues, so wasn’t able to go out to the pharmacy tonight that I found had the drug… I’ll see if he has problems tomorrow.

I knew there was a problem filling CII’s in FL, due to the pill mills, and all the pharmacies being scared of the DEA, but didn’t realize is was so bad that enough pharmacies refused to fill generic Percocet 5/325 #30 from a hospital discharge that a family member would call out of state for help.

Is torture inflicting pain on another person…. or… is it allowing a person to remain in pain ?

I guess the Pharmacist Oath… has been revoked in Florida ?

“I promise to devote myself to a lifetime of service to others through the profession of pharmacy. In fulfilling this vow:

  • I will consider the welfare of humanity and relief of suffering my primary concerns.
  • I will apply my knowledge, experience, and skills to the best of my ability to assure optimal outcomes for my patients.
  • I will respect and protect all personal and health information entrusted to me.
  • I will accept the lifelong obligation to improve my professional knowledge and competence.
  • I will hold myself and my colleagues to the highest principles of our profession’s moral, ethical and legal conduct.
  • I will embrace and advocate changes that improve patient care.
  • I will utilize my knowledge, skills, experiences, and values to prepare the next generation of pharmacists.

I take these vows voluntarily with the full realization of the responsibility with which I am entrusted by the public.”


7 Responses

  1. To the person who asked is there more to the story. YES the politicians as well as the pharmacists have taken a bad situation and made it much much worse. If you go for any mind or mood altering medication well OF course that means your a drug addict. Thats how all the pharmacies I deal with in South Florida act, it has gotten to a state where 20 year sufferers go to there regular pharmacy and get turned away. Some times they tell the client that they don’t have in stock which is BS half the time and some times they just say “they don’t feel comfortable” filling your script. I have had to go to 10 pharmacies or more in the past just to get my meds. I have been on the same meds for over 12 years and have dealt with the same pharmacy for over 5 years and there is no guarantee month to month that my script will be filled. I am on full disability walk with an assisted device and have supplied all my MRI and over 15 surgeries to many pharmacies and they still turn me away. TIME TO RETHINK THE POWER THE DEA HAS. Stop this war on people in pain! Wake up people FIRE all the politicians that presently have jobs and lets roll the dice with some new ones. Its not about democrat or republicans its about capable and common sense!

  2. This is “NEEDLESS HUMAN SUFFERING” and it’s really getting out of hand! I for one am getting so damn mad at reading these stories!! What the hell is going on!!! The illegal drug abusers and the cartels are having a good ole time and making a fortune while the chronic pain patients who truly need our meds and DO NOT get a “HIGH” from them are being targeted!! Something has got to be done before even more suicides happen from needless suffering!! Seems to me the DEA is just looking for FUNDS to keep the cash flowing!! They don’t give a damn about any one of us who is suffering every single day with CHRONIC PAIN and wondering if we will be able to get our meds each month!!! This so called….WAR ON DRUGS …….. Is a DAMN JOKE!!!!! If it sounds like I’m upset well I am MAD AS HELL over all this bullshit!!! Somthing needs to be done!!!

  3. A local hospital? A very reasonable quantity? Is there more to this story?

  4. This is crazy that these pharmacies are not filling CII’s from a hospital discharge. The DEA must have really put some pressure on pharmacies in Florida. But, not filling hospital discharge prescriptions is really crazy.

  5. This story absolutely demands repeating.

    Republicans and Democrats are ready to take on Ebola?

    Yeah, tell me another lie.

  6. oh just reading that set me off!!! Having had 3 C sections myself I totally find it absolutely BARBARIC would refuse to fill a take home med for a post partum C Section. If that were me I would be SO public about it towards that pharmacy and pharmacist…media, etc and dont count me out for waddling into said pharmacy and flashing them the scar since they have to have proof… (wouldnt they be embarrassed) including the staples if they were still in there and due birth complications my scars are the vertical kind so it doesn’t take much to show :D. My thoughts and prayers she gets relief and congrats to the family! As far as the oath, its been 28 years I dont remember that we formally said it but it was ingrained throughout our training and our classes. It has been how I have practiced my profession since I received my license. Patient care is.#1.

  7. We never were given an oath, not once during pharmacy school. 1990s.

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