Andrew Kolodny on Chronic Pain – Kind Of

Andrew Kolodny on Chronic Pain – Kind Of

By Ed Coghlan.

I spoke with Andrew Kolodny recently. The man who is aggressively pushing the idea of restricting or eliminating opioid usage has become the bane of many chronic pain patients.

The conversation was about a commentary we had published by Suzanne Stewart that he felt was unfair. We discussed what offended him and on a couple of matters he had a point (a couple of others, I didn’t think he did).

I hope that I’m reasonable and always try to be fair. So, I asked Suzanne – absent proof to the otherwise – to make a couple of changes, which she did, and we republished the story.

After Dr. Kolodny and I had discussed the issue he had with the story, I did a quick interview with him because I’ve not been able to get hold of him in the past (or as you’ll see, since).

I told him that he, no doubt, knew that chronic pain patients and patient advocates see him as an enemy.

He acknowledged that and said, “It is a common misunderstanding. I’m not trying to throw pain patients under the bus, I’m just very concerned about the opioid epidemic.”

He later stated that millions of chronic pain patients and many others have become addicted to opioids.

I shared with him that I believed the concentration on opioids had turned the debate into a binary one – opioids are bad or good, depending on your point of view – but little has been discussed about what should be done for chronic pain patients instead of opioids.

What I suggested to him was that he should write a blog for the National Pain Report aimed at pain patients and their advocates and providers that outlines his case against opioids, and importantly, what he would recommend be done for chronic pain patients if he’s successful in limiting or outlawing opioids.

He said, “I don’t think I would want to do that, but I’ll think about it.”

The days went on and I never heard back so, on September 23, I sent him the following email:

Dr. Kolodny,

Are you willing to write a piece for the National Pain Report?

I made the offer verbally in our phone call and wanted to follow up with a written invite.


Ed Coghlan

Haven’t heard back.

The offer stands.

3 Responses

  1. Why are the FAILURE rates for these rehab clinics not made known to the PRESS and PUBLIC? It needs to be on every show about ADDICTION. They have a failure rate of about 95%, I believe. Also, why do we never hear about Ibogaine which will cure addiction. Why? Money!! The man us makes too much money on these rehab clinics and everybody needs to be made aware of this.

  2. And sadly I doubt Ed hears back from him due to the fact he is making money off of rehab facilities and if (God help us all) they should do away with opioids then he stands to make even more money. Dr. Kolodny would like everyone to think he isn’t against pain patients but based on his actions this isn’t true at all.
    He has yet to admit that the real epidemic is due to elicit street drugs such as heroin and fentanyl being shipped in from china. He wants everyone to think that the real epidemic is due to prescription opioids. Oh and just a FYI, he is NOT a chronic pain specialist.
    He deals with addiction, NOT chronic pain patients.

  3. Tweeted to Kolodny. @andrewkolodny lie “millions chronic pain pts…bcome addictd 2 opioids” No occurs in only small % those get opoids

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