A few CVS Pharmacists are finding their backbone !


U.S. investigating CVS prescription refills

From the article:

“Company spokesman Mike DeAngelis said the drugstore chain uses so-called performance metrics to improve operations, not to determine employees’ compensation.

“These metrics are among the numerous factors used to measure the effectiveness of our pharmacy services, and it would be inaccurate to describe them as quotas that put pressure on individuals,” he said.

But 16 current and former CVS pharmacists, all of whom requested anonymity because of fear they could lose their jobs at the company or at other pharmacies, said this simply wasn’t true.”

Could the CVS structure be like a game of Jenga  … pull out the few wrong pieces and the whole things come tumbling down..

SIXTEEN CVS RPH’s coming forward and are telling the truth about all the metrics, pressure and under staffing.

A little bit of time from these Pharmacists and the State/Fed bureaucrats picks up the ball and continue playing the game…

From the article:
“The documents from the May meeting provide CVS employees with examples of how a “high performer” thinks, compared with an “average performer.”

The high performer, according to the documents, understands that “ReadyFill is the key to my store’s success. If we get ReadyFill right, everything else will follow.”

The average performer, the documents noted, says that “we automatically enroll patients in ReadyFill for maintenance meds. It helps our score.”

By CVS’ standards, therefore, an average pharmacist automatically refills people’s prescriptions regardless of whether they ask for it.”

As I have stated before .. document.. document..document… much of what corporate pharmacy produces in email and memos… can come back to haunt them… the only thing preventing it.. most of the time.. is  YOU starring down at that computer screen and trying not to be noticed…

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