Once again: a BIG LIE … concocted by attorneys, politicians & bureaucrats

Does it surprise anyone that just as the BIG TOBACCO SETTLEMENT from 1998 is just about ready to run out… where 98% of that monies ended up in the states’ GENERAL FUNDS… to be spent as they wished… that many states’ AG’s… engaged one or more law firmsĀ  to take on these lawsuits…. on a […]

First Impressions: Are you “worthy” to have your medication filled ?

The Moments Jay Joshi https://medium.com/@jjoshi45/the-moments-9ccf05f1cc59 The moments do not define you. They define the perception of you. The moments silence you and give your voice to someone else. When you visit the pharmacy, in that moment, you are judged by your appearance, your mannerisms, and the prescriptions you fill. The pharmacist does not know your […]