20/20 program tonight on Heroin addiction

lmaoABC has been promoting their 20/20 special on BREAKING POINT – HEROIN IN AMERICA

I went to check my local listing on my TIVO  it was suppose to be on at 10 PM (EST) BUT  COLLEGE BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS take over the local ABC affiliate at 7PM and even pushing back the local news till 11:30 PM and the SPECIAL… why it is on at 2:38 AM TOMORROW…  THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT

All of that PROMOTION … one year investigation.. and it’s time slot  is being replaced with COLLEGE BASKETBALL

Maybe no one will watch, which will most likely be a over sensationalized piece of regurgitation of DEA propaganda and the FABRICATED OPIATE EPIDEMIC.

We are spending 51 billion/yr to fight this war on drugs and we are suppose to having abt 24,000 dying for (Heroin and legal/illegal use of Rx opiates)… that means that we are spending over TWO MILLION per death. As a nation, we only spend abt $8,500 per capita on healthcare and Pres Obama wants another 1.1 billion added to fighting the war next year.. that is another $46,000/death trying to prevent people with the mental illness of addictive personality disorder from getting on a death spiral and end up dying.. either from a unintentional OD or intentional suicide.

4 Responses

  1. It is clear that the powers that be want two things to happen. They want the impression that all heroin addiction started with legitimately and medically necessary opioid pain meds. They then want it to be seen that anyone requiring high dose, long term opioid treatment to be seen as an addict and that there is no legitimate reason for anyone to be on these high doses indeterminately, except of course the cancer patient who is most likely going to die within the course of a year.

    Every piece that I’ve seen in the mainstream media is pushing these ideas. The average citizen just nods their head in agreement with what they are told. I think it’s time for the real “dope pushers” to raise their hand…for the obtuse, that would be the mainstream media.

  2. Thanks David. I figured it was going to be the same old story. They need something new for the next story…us!

  3. It was the same old same old crap but a good point that even if a heroin addict wants to stop these treatment centers do not provide any type of medication to help with withdrawals ! But they basically said all addicts started with prescription drugs they also showed the addicted babies and I just kept thinking what does any of this have to do with legitimate chronic pain patients ?

  4. Wow…those numbers are insane! If people in the right places would take ten minutes with some of us we could lick this thing and save the country a few billion.I doubt if I will want to be up that late, or if I could even stay awake, but maybe someone California could record it for the Floridians! I wonder if there would be a transcript published on the website? Poo. Write to ABC and Fair.org on this one.

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