It’s too early to access the patient benefits, but the agencie$ already are $eeing an up$ide.

State Medicaid agencies limiting opioid prescriptions State Medicaid agencies around the country are limiting how many opioids providers can prescribe in an effort to curb the disproportionate number of beneficiaries who are at risk of overdose and death. Medicaid beneficiaries are prescribed painkillers at twice the rate of other patients and are at three […]

I won’t worry about your cold turkey withdrawal.. I won’t feel a thing !

I’ve had a huge Run in with my doctor. Needless to say I believe I have grounds to sue him and I’ve been talking with an attorney. But this isn’t the only thing I’m up to. I’m trying to start a class action lawsuit. I don’t know how to post this in a group. I […]

lack of a common standard for reporting opioid-related deaths

Specify drugs in overdoses We know now that pop superstar Prince died from an overdose of fentanyl, a powerful opioid pain reliever 50 times more potent than heroin, because he was famous and his death was of global interest. But as the national opioid epidemic rages on, one of its problems is the lack […]

What happens when more and more doctors stop treating pts with complex issues ?

It’s time for physicians to stop being pushovers Like many physicians, I’m a people pleaser.  On my medical school application, my personal statement was a literary cliché filled with my dreams of helping others, easing pain, soothing suffering — and I really meant it.  What I didn’t know then was how difficult it would […]

Keep signing those petitions… politicians love them… what the people think/want

honest Gil Fulbright for President

Medication Error Causing Longer Illness For You?

Medication Error Causing Longer Illness For You? If you or your family went to see a doctor and it took longer to recover or had complications, there is a chance that you were victim of medication error. Medication error is so prevalent that no one would escape from it. And you would have thought […]