Münchausen syndrome by proxy

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%BCnchausen_syndrome_by_proxy In Münchausen syndrome by proxy, an adult caregiver (typically the mother), makes a child appear sick by either fabricating symptoms or actually causing harm to the child, in order to gain the attention of medical providers and others. In order to perpetuate the medical relationship, the caregiver systematically misrepresents symptoms, fabricates signs, manipulates laboratory […]

The drug laws are the law.. no exceptions ?

http://fox43.com/2014/12/22/detective-charged-with-stealing-prescription-pills-from-evidence-locker/ Ex-Detective charged for stealing 300 pills from evidence room Derry Township Police Detective Brian Romberger is accused of going into the evidence room and stealing more than 300 prescription pills. “I believe he had an opiate addiction and was using the pills for personal use,” said Derry Township Police Chief Patrick M. O’Rourke. A […]

It tis the season when it is better to give than receive ?

Fair Lawn Police seek shoplifter who struck CVS employee http://www.nj.com/bergen/index.ssf/2014/12/fair_lawn_police_seek_shoplifter_who_struck_cvs_employee.html The Fair Lawn Volunteer Ambulance Corps evaluated the CVS employee for an injury to her nose, police said. She refused to go to the hospital. Police are looking for the man they say struck a CVS employee in the face while trying to shoplift Vicks […]

“It takes a lifetime to build a good reputation, but you can lose it in a minute.” ― Will Rogers

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a […]

I want to be crystal clear !

Some readers don’t seem to understand what I have been talking about.. The people that are interest in obtaining legal drugs can be general put into four categories: 1. Legit pain pt 2. Pseudo Addict.. The under dosed or token doses legit pt.. that seeks early refills or ends up seeing multiple prescribers and multiple […]

Another major politician “seeing the light” about the war on drugs

Christie: The war on drugs has failed, treat NJ heroin addiction as an illness http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2014/12/christie_government_private_sector_need_to_step_up_fight_against_heroin_in_nj.html To combat New Jersey’s growing heroin and opioid crisis, Gov. Chris Christie says the state needs to embrace a dramatically different approach to substance abuse, but cautioned that he will not write a blank check to get it there. In […]

Is this the 1st or 4th (or both) Amendment getting trampled on ?

Intrado Beware® Integrates with Motorola Solutions’ Intelligent Data Portal http://www.intrado.com/news/press/2014/intrado-beware-integrates-motorola-solutions-intelligent-data-portal http://www.intrado.com/beware “Beware’s unique capabilities to provide robust threat assessments and identifying information on persons of interest within seconds is a perfect fit for the Intelligent Data Portal,” said Steve Lowe, senior vice president, Intrado. “This integration will provide law enforcement with additional help in defusing […]

Is there a need for a new training module ?

Our bureaucracy is more important than the health of our citizens ?

Weed 2: Inside a top secret pot lab Apparently CNN and Dr. Sanjay Gupta has declared “war” on the legalization of MMJ.  This one hour special is suppose to be able to be viewed on-line. In this report he showed a US GOV PATENT .. by Health and Human Services for the medical use of […]

Is this where it all started ?

This was posted on another Pharmacist’s blog back in 2011.. reportedly this was written by a Pharmacist that worked in WAG’S central fill pharmacy in Florida. Back in 2008 +/- this concept they claimed was going to be their “future” … at least one serving every state/region. They got them up and running in FL […]