Pts are nothing more than a medical statistic ?

This video is a little “heavy” on the medical jargon, but it seems to point out that especially in certain medical specialties… some pts may end up a collateral damage as the healthcare provider is responding to some part of the system (hospital, insurance, etc ) to meet or exceed some ‘”metric” of how many procedures they do and/or how much revenue that they generate per week/month.  The pt is no more – no less – than a conduit or commodity to achieve that production quota.

This may help to explain why our healthcare system – that is suppose to be the best in the world – is reported to cause 250,000 – 400,000 deaths from medical errors each year.  That is 0.1% of our total population that dies every year from medical errors.  Up to TEN TIMES the number of (legal/illegal) opiate OD’s each year – and that is considered a CRISIS !

2 Responses

  1. Heck, at this point being viewed merely as a medical statistic would be an improvement…as a CPP, I’m universally seen by everyone except other CPPs as a Destructor of & Parasite Upon Society, as well as a loathsome addict who’s even lower than a noble heroin addict (at least they admit they’re addicted; I claim to be a “pain patient” & won’t admit I’m an addict who’s destroying the very fabric of society).

  2. Make

    And, by that I mean, if we accept one Metastatic cancer for every 350 procedures,
    And the procedure is frequent
    Then we are now just like automobile manufacturers accepting recalls as a
    “Cost of doing business “
    That is how we lost the heart of medicine.

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