Maybe the bureaucrats have taken one step too many !

ACLU Sues over Mandatory Drug Tests

from article:

In one of the first lawsuits of its kind, the American Civil Liberties Union has filed suit against the Medical Licensing Board of Indiana challenging the constitutionality of a new rule requiring some pain patients to submit to mandatory drug testing.

“The Fourth Amendment protects all of us from government-mandated searches unless there is cause or justification. The mandatory drug testing simply goes too far,” said Kenneth J. Falk, Legal Director of the ACLU of Indiana.

The lawsuit, which seeks class action status, was filed on behalf of James Wierciak, who’s been prescribed medications for more than 18 years to treat chronic pain, according to the ACLU.

Can a action against the wholesalers that are placing arbitrary limits on the amount of C-II a pharmacy can buy .. and/or cutting pharmacies – mostly independents – from even buying controls?

Could that “goodfaith dispensing of controlled substances” policy hold up as legal…

Could we be that far from cases for denial of care…. for abuse of patients …  for violation of the constitution under the unusual and cruel punishment.. for allowing chronic pain pts to be under dosed and left in pain ?

Can the wholesaler’s be far behind.. for their arbitrary quotes of controls that a pharmacy can purchase and cutting some pharmacy (mostly independents ) completely off.

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