Unintended security consequences because of the actions of silicone valley BIG TECH

As many of you know the “little boys” in Silicon Valley have shutdown reportedly a large number of people and groups on the various websites ( Face Book, Twitter and others) according to reports on TV today, have compromised the “intelligence” that law enforcement, FBI, Secret Service and other entities that are in charge of keep us safe.  Now with the inauguration coming up, law enforcement has lost their ability to monitor what some “crazy groups” were planning via these sites.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but that information does not give me any “warm fuzzy” because

before this was done by those “little boys” there was rumors of some of these “crazy groups” were going to have some sort of rallies/protests at EVERY STATE CAPITAL.

Looking at the stock market today all of these BIG TECH’S stock prices are DOWN as much as 11%.

I am getting out of this mess !

I made this post below a few days ago and will allow everyone who wishes to follow me to shift over to following my blog. I have already stopped making any new post on BIG TECH and by the end of the month will stop making comments on the posts of others .  There is a place on the front page of my blog  – right hand column – to sign up to be notified by email when I make a new post.

Some of my readers have expressed concern/dislike of me posting more about politics in place of pain issues… Whereas, there is not much new going on in regards to pain pts and the denial of care.   We are in a transition between two different administrations and a Congress that both houses have a <D> majority.  In fact, it has been stated that those in the Senate was not expecting nor prepared to become the majority.

In Congress offices and staff size is determined by which party that is in the majority and the seniority of the particular member.  Over the next couple of weeks in the Senate, there is going to be a lot of office shuffling and those who are in the majority don’t have the staffing levels that they now need. In the Senate, those 50 members have to hire new/additional staff and just about every member of the Senate is going to have to shuffle offices..   The placement and size of a Senator’s office totally depends on who is in majority and how much seniority that particular Senator has.

As soon as all the dust settles, they will get back to fighting the war on drugs/pts.  A few weeks ago Eliz Warren and 4 of her colleagues released a press release that they were going to introduce a bill that will interfere with chronic pain pts getting their pain meds.   Of course, if that bill get signed into law … it will be in direct conflict with the ADA and Civil Rights law on discrimination of disabled… Also, as I remember all of the <D> candidates running for President agreed that HEALTHCARE IS A HUMAN RIGHT…  So is denial of pain management part of “healthcare is a human right” ?

I hate to remind everyone, chronic pain management and politics are attached at the hip.  How many in the community are suffering, bed/chair/house confined or died/committed suicide because of the unintended consequences of politicians/bureaucrats and their decisions about ending the war on pts/drugs ?


4 Responses

  1. ExCellent comment! I know you’re read my Twitter posts and we’re on the same page. The new Ball State President is FAR from upholding traditional Indiana values. He’s FAR leftist and I don’t think parents know it. I’ve been on campaign telling people NOT to send their kids here but to send them to Purdue where Mitch Daniels is President and runs it even better than he had the state for 2 terms. He was named the Country’s most fiscally responsible University President. BSU President hasn’t even had a financial or accounting Class yet FIRED TOM as Chief Investment Officer as he “wasn’t needed any longer.” That was suspicious but we KNEW it was BECAUSE he was going to take over the BSU Foundation for HIMSELF in the University so the Foundation was NO longer independant. Power hungry. Foundation Board didn’t know this was happening. People in ALL AREAS are going to be surprised at the losses that come upon them. He hates me and has never met me. Just knows I’m Knowledgeable and smarter than he is.

  2. I’m right with you Steve. I’m not posting on Big Tech Sites either.
    What’s happening in our country is Disgusting and I refuse to Act Like everything is normal when it’s FAR from it by chatting on Big Tech Evil Communist Sites.

  3. It’s definitely a very scary time in our country right now!
    Is it true that Harris was instrumental in creating the Prescription ddrugnmonitoring program? I don’t want to spread false information, but I read it somewhere.

    • The state of KY was the first or one of the first to have a PDMP – I’m licensed in KY as a Pharmacist… and as I remember Purdue Pharma paid for the original database program and if you read the original KY law you could see Purdue Pharma’s “fingerprints” all over it.. Initially, only law enforce was entitled to reports and they had to have a active case in order to get a report. In the early days, it was reported that there was about ONE REPORT A WEEK that law enforce requested. Eventually they opened it up to PHARMACIES to get reports… During that time, I was doing a lot of relief work… working for pharmacist temp service and I would be at a store and ask the tech what was the login name and password to get a report out of KASPER… almost universally the answer I got from the technicians was the pharmacist that originally got the login and password… they had changed pharmacist several times and no one knew what it was. I called up the Pharmacist in charge of KASPER in Frankfort KY and explained the situation… the pharmacies that I was working in had an account and no one knew the login in or password. – how am I suppose to do my job ? He agreed and gave me an account a “independent pharmacy”.. I may have been the first and only pharmacist in KY that had a login to KASPER… Abt 7-10 yrs ago KY MANDATED that EVERY PHARMACIST are registered individually to access KASPER. In fact, I just renewed my KY license and they ask on the renewal if you were registered to use KASPER. As I remember, CALF has had two different versions of their PDMP… the first failed miserably and I have not heard much about the 2.0 version and how it is working.

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