Is this what is referred to as EXTRA CARE ? CVS pharmacy in Spring Hill Florida is extremely disappointing Posted by Julie Bulkeley , January 25, 2014 at 03:19 PM I’ve been a customer to CVS since they opened. Now, if you have scripts for pain medication, forget it. You will be living in pain ALWAYS and reason why “staff members ” PICK & CHOOSE […]

More collateral damage from the NECC mess ?

This recently showed up in my inbox.. I came across an interesting topic this week.  My girlfriend and I are both renewing personal pharmacist liability policies.  Her policy more than doubled while mine stayed the same.  Her policy is through xxxxxxxxx and because we work in a hospital and do some sterile compounding (they told […]

“THE NUDGE” coming to a Rx dept near you !

There are rumors out there in “Rx land” that a certain chain/PBM has instructed its front end managers – NON PHARMACISTS – to routinely go back into the Rx dept and see if the Rx dept staff is not too far behind on meeting the metrics and if they are lagging behind .. that the […]

Curious Minds want to know !

Conversation with a friend/blog reader… suggested that I ask those Rph’s out there in “Rx Land”.. what/how the corporate employers are increasing the stressors on you individually and the staff of the Rx dept collectively.. which is increasing the risk of medication errors. Are they “stressing” a individual RPH’s trying to establish “reasons” to discharge […]

Former DEA agent .. working for MJ industry in Oregon ! From the article: Moen, 36, quit his post in Portland late last year and is now working for Seattle-based Privateer Holdings, a private equity firm specializing in acquiring businesses in the burgeoning marijuana industry. The attorney who once spent long days dismantling drug rings throughout the Pacific Northwest will now help the company with […]

The two faces of “cruel and unusual punishment” This poor fellow … may have “suffered” for MAYBE 25 minutes because of poor choice of drugs used in his execution.. After he raped and murdered a woman and her unborn child.. IMO .. his “suffering” was NOTHING compared to what suffering he has caused her, her unborn baby and their family. Personally, I […]

This ad should make the MILLENNIALS sign up for Obamacare I can relate to the content 🙂

Someone is not going to like this !

Rumor has it… that yesterday…  an investigative reporter, videographer and producer .. spend 5+ hrs in Harrisburg, PA … interviewing current and former employees of a certain chain/PBM.Can you imagine how much “information” that has been divulged about the “going-ons” at this particular corporation ? It is probably going to take weeks for that investigative […]

The never ending discussion

Currently on a RPH Facebook page.. there is – once again – the discussion about selling needles/syringes.. Everyone seems to fall into one of several categories * corporate mandates that they be sold * require proof of insulin purchases or some other injectable * selling only boxes of 100 * dramatically increasing the price One […]

This showed up in inbox 01/16/2014

I met with a Cardinal rep for a new independent pharmacy start up today.  The rep mentioned a regulatory officer and regulations to comply with the DEA.  She said we would be told the units of oxycodone, etc, we could purchase based on expected sales.  If we reached 85-90% of our order allocation, she would […]