passing along… » 13310536_1318176954862349_3987949217056128445_n

10 Responses

  1. I am a single mom of a child with ADHD and I suffer from chronic pain. It breaks my heart to tell her I can’t go out because the doctor’s have cut me to the bare minimum with pain medication. I go to bed at night in tears and pray I do not wake in the morning and when I do wake I am angry that I am going to go through another day in pain. This could all be stopped by adding just one more pill a day and they won’t budge. I feel like they want me to just sit and wait to die. I tell everyone that will listen that the politicians were concerned about all of the overdoses but have created another issue, chronic pain sufferers are now going to choose suicide because the pain is to much. I know for me it is an option on the list.

  2. Spread it to everyone, write, write, call, call them all and let them know that we are being tortured. We must stand together on this and not let personal objectives get in the way.

  3. Can we share this to every group out there? Get in touch with administrators for these groups? I could help compile a list of these groups. I have seen many, many new pain groups pop up on my feed. Make sure to put a hard date in there as to when these are needed.
    I’m beginning to see alot of one-offs so we should organize collectively.
    There are groups like Marijuana for Fibro and Chronic Pain. So can reach many people under these local and state marijuana groups.
    Thank you!

  4. I have been a Chronic pain patient for sometime now, I don’t want to get into my medical conditions, But every month goes by I have to worry about getting my medication. Sometimes it takes many pharmacys to find it and even they tell me , we have a good faith policy. Iam so tired, Iam so discouraged, I sometimes feel like the only way out of this horrible situation is to give the government what they want and go on to the Lord . By my own hands. . Nobody cares, NOBODY CARES. We mean nothing anymore. . I hope these politicians take many vacation’s to Fla. This way they can get used to the HEAT. Because they are headed straight to hell for tourturing the chronic pain community. NOBODY CARES.

  5. Please start asking some real questions like are any drug addicts no longer abusing drugs with these policies because we know that Prohibition does not work? The country is so concerned over the raise in heroin addiction and you will find, if you really look, that the raise is directly connected to these policies because if a drug addict can’t get the pills they want, they will and are turning to heroin and now our government is supporting the Drug Cartels who will get a drug addict anything they want just as the “Mob’s” did for alcohol. Did we learn nothing from history?

    Why is the life of a drug addict more important than the lives of those who are in pain? Why are politicians acting as doctors in the decisions of what is the best way to treat us?

    Mothers can no longer care for their children and bread winners no longer able to support their families. Who is going to pay for that care and where will that money come from? Who is going to care for those like myself who strive to stay independent and live within the boundaries of our disabilities but can no longer do so without the pain relief we need?

    Health Care in this country is going to fail under these policies and it must when doctors refuse to take on patients who are in pain, clinic are closing and good doctors can no longer treat their patients in the way they know is best without fear of prosecution? Who are they going to blame for this? Obama Care? Someone must be blamed for the failure of our health care system to deal with those who are in pain.

    Chronic Pain is a disability and we are being discriminated against because of those who will and do abuse drugs just like any religion or race who is discriminated against because of the actions of a few. We need someone to stand for us, talk about us, do something for us in this losing war on drugs.

    We are told that 13% of Veteran’s abuse drugs but what about the 87% who need relief from pain and now can’t get that relief? Chronic Pain can and does kill and those who can no longer deal with a life in pain 24/7 will take their own lives and Veterans are the most vulnerable after the horrors of war. America makes these Veterans and makes the pain they now live with and yet we are turning our backs on them and telling them there is nothing we can do for the pain they are in.

    Why aren’t pain patients given the same rights as others to decide what is the best care for their problems? Politics needs to stay out of our relationship between our doctors and the care we need.

    Please do your jobs, do it right, look into the problems these policies are making that no one will talk about because of the fear of supporting drug addicts but we are NOT drug addicts, we are patients who need help.

    Please look into the politics of all of this as we know the reasons behind this attack on pain medications after losing the war on Marijuana, which will become legal in this country, in order to validate their existence and the billions of dollars wasted in this losing war on drugs are now attacking those who are in pain. Look into the big pharmacies and the fight against them and yes, they need to be held responsible for never finding cures but only drugs that mask the symptoms to make more money but taking all of this out on those who’s only sin is that they are in pain, is not the right way to fight any of these injustices.

    Please, think of the quality of life of those who are suffering in pain and think of your families, your parents, your children and how you would feel if they were suffering in pain and told there is nothing that can be done.

    Help us, help the millions of American’s both Veterans and civilians alike who are actually being tortured because of these policies. Please look at all sides of this war on drugs and the dangers of drug abuse but remember, there are millions of us who need relief from our pain. They can’t fix the problems, can’t give us what we need to live with any kind of quality of life without the pain medications that are available so why are they torturing us?

    • Bravo Judith Bruno! Thank you for an intelligent letter concerning chronic pain patients.

    • Go, Judith! I love when you asked why are drug addicts’ lives more important than chronic pain patients’ lives. Excellent. I had never thought of that before. Thanks.

  6. I am a 60-year-old woman who has been suffering w/chronic pain for decades. My pain killers were no big deal. When I believed the dose was getting to high to get relief, I would ween myself off the pain killers (and deal w/the unrelenting pain by meditating and screaming in pain). I would do this decade after decade, which was fine w/me, At least I could be assured of 6 months out of 12 that I would have some sort of Quality of Life. Now, since I’m 60, the pain is getting worse and so is my access to pain killers. HOW DARE THE GOVERNMENT PLAY POLITICS W/MY BODY, MY HEALTHCARE! Get the government OUT OF MY PRIVATE LIFE AND OUT OF MY DOCTORS’ LIVES. Some doctors say to me (verbatim), “I can’t give you what you so desperately need, because I’ll get in trouble.” WHAT??!!! My doctors will get in trouble for giving me a morsel of a “normal” life!? What do I do now? Want me to go on Disability? I don’t want to! The pharmacists now stare me down as if I’m an addict. I get questioned as if I’M on trial. This is bullshit!!! And, let me add, who’s receiving the payoff in all of this??? Because, I guarantee all of you, the government does NOT give a damn whether I’m an addict or whether I live or die – since when did the government care so deeply for its citizens: NEVER!!!!!

  7. Indeed, I am not an addict. I have fibro since 1980, and now several other pain conditions. Arthritis, degenerative disc disease, where I have had my neck fused and my low back operated on and more autoimmune diseases that I won’t go into here. This has easily been going on for many, many years and if I were and addict, I would easily be dead by now. I have had migraine headaches since 6th grade and now because of AFib I can not take a lot of migraine prevention medicines. Also, because I have Tricare Military Insurance they will not pay for Botox are brand-name medications that I can use so I’m prevented from using those as well. So, I have to seek Tramadol and are some narcotics for migraines from the ER, but with new CDC guidelines in place I don’t know if that will be available to me and I will suffer greatly as I have complex migraines now and they mimic me having TIA/stroke. It’s so bad I have spent time in ICU with a fentanyl patch finally giving me pain relief after I had passed out and waking up with relief. I have been in such pain I really thought that I was going to die. My blood pressure has been so high that they had to give me medication to bring it down because my pain levels have been so high. It’s a nightmare now, without medication and with AFib and pain and high blood pressure and chance of major stroke some ER doctor could kill me one night following CDC guidelines. Please don’t kill me too young. Thanks for your consideration.

  8. We are NOT addicts. we just want to live a normal productive life. do not take that away from us./

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