We’re measuring opioid strength the wrong way

I am not an attorney, but when someone robs a store and store employee is shot/killed … the person driving the get a way vehicle – gets charged with the same crime – just as if he/she had the gun and pulled the trigger. Should individual professionals, healthcare corporations, insurance/PBM’s that creates edicts, policy and procedures based on some study or such thing like the CDC opiate guidelines that are based on poorly designed studies ? For the harm to pts that happen because those entities who adopted such guidelines without doing their own evaluation of what those guidelines are based on ?

Here is a quote from the 211 pages of the 2022 proposed CDC opiate dosing guidelines

The update process uses multiple key sources of input.

The 2016 Guideline was developed using the best available scientific evidence and followed a rigorous scientific process. The update to the Guideline is following a similar process and includes several opportunities for community and partner engagement. CDC highly values public engagement and has ensured there are multiple opportunities to hear from and incorporate feedback from patients with pain, caregivers, clinicians, and partners.

If the same scientific evidence and similar processes is being used to develop these “new guidelines”… who believes that one could expect the 2022 revised guidelines that was considerably different than the guidelines that were published in 2016?

Does anyone seem that it is strange that both the 2016 & 2022 guidelines only talks about MME’s/day limits, which many consider the conversion ratios being highly inaccurate. There is no mention of the practitioner using CYP-450 opiate metabolism or PGx/Pharmacogenomics to help determine the opiate that the pt’s system utilizes the best, identify  a pt that is a fast/ultra fast metabolizer and would need larger or more frequent dosing and/or what intensity of pain should be ideal targeted to help optimize the pt’s QOL.

In reality, when a pt is diagnosed of being a chronic pain pt… the intensity of their pain will ALWAYS be under treated,  The probability of pt getting to “zero pain” is pretty much a unrealistic goal.  There is a chart on the first page of my blog that lists all the potential complications of pt’s existing comorbidity issues and/or could cause the pt to have developed more health issues.

Then there is the routine suggestions that pts use non-opiate meds ( NSAID’S & Acetaminophen ) which the first can cause kidney damage and the latter can cause liver damage. Focusing pain management/therapy on limiting MME’s/day can often cause a hypertensive crisis ( very high blood pressure), which can cause eye, heart & kidney damage,  heart attacks, strokes, not to mention elevated pain intensity levels .. forcing the pts to live/exist in a torturous level of pain, ending in some of these pts to commit suicide to take the final action to stop their unrelenting high intensity of pain.

Could any/all of the people/entities involved in creating/publishing/adopting these guidelines and the studies that the guidelines were based on, be held liable for the adverse health outcomes and/or damages to the pts  that are forced to conform to a plan of treatment that was derived from these guidelines?

We’re measuring opioid strength the wrong way


Over the past several years, our government has taken control of doctors’ prescription pads. In an attempt to reduce opioid overdose deaths, lawmakers placed hard quantitative limits on the maximum daily dose of painkilling drugs doctors can prescribe. These dose limits were calculated from a conversion table that was the crux of the Centers for Disease Control. and Prevention (CDC) 2016 opioid prescribing guidelines. But a review of the scientific literature shows that the evidence upon which the table is based is either flimsy or non-existent. Even if the CDC recants its 2016 prescribing guidelines when it updates them later this year, the damage has already been done.


The CDC conversion table was intended to help doctors calculate the appropriate dose of a given opioid by comparing its strength relative to morphine. Supposedly, the use of these “morphine milligram equivalents” (MME) would act as a quick reference for physicians. The CDC recommended 90 MME (90 milligrams of morphine) as the maximum daily dose and that the dose of other drugs be adjusted accordingly. For example, the maximum dose of oxycodone, a drug that is twice the strength of morphine, would be given at half the dose of morphine, or 45 milligrams per day.

Although some scientists voiced skepticism, the recommendations became gospel, and later, law. Indeed, by 2022 38 states enacted laws that restricted the number and dose of opioids doctors may prescribe. Many impose daily limits of 90 MME or less. Medicare requires pharmacists to “confirm the medical need” for patients prescribed doses exceeding 90 MME. Health plans impose restrictions on prescriptions exceeding 90 MME.

Although upon first inspection the conversion table appears authoritative, closer scrutiny reveals otherwise. To support it, the CDC cites only one paper — a 2008 study that is inadequate by any measure. This supposedly pivotal piece of research puts forth a conversion table that is cobbled together from a number of small, clinically insignificant studies dating back over 60 years.

But these studies never even compared the doses of the various opioids that cause respiratory depression and death. The types of trials that went into the table would never be conducted today. We call this junk science.

Never mind; this same deeply flawed science has become policy in many hospitals, health plans and pharmacies.

When junk science is enacted into law, innocent people become “guilty.” In many cases, innocent physicians have ended up in prison for exceeding the 90 MME law, even though this number was never properly determined. And innocent chronic pain patients fared even worse. Many of them who had been on long-term high-dose opioid therapy found themselves in unbearable pain after their pain meds were cut, sometimes sharply, because their doctors were afraid of the consequences of exceeding the 90 MME limit — even when medically appropriate. In desperation, an increasing number have turned to street drugs or worse, to suicide.

Realizing the mess it created, the CDC issued an advisory in 2019 stating their 2016 guidelines were “misapplied,” that it never meant the 90 MME benchmark to be a “hard limit.” The CDC admonished doctors for cutting off or abruptly tapering patients whose pain had been well-controlled with doses exceeding 90 MME, even though this practice continues. That same year the American Medical Association officially stated “no entity should use MME (morphine milligram equivalents) thresholds as anything more than guidance.”

Last June, the Food and Drug Administration requested comments from various experts for a workshop it held to investigate the science and “knowledge gaps” surrounding MME benchmarks. One of us commented, explaining why creating morphine equivalent conversion tables is pharmacological folly.

The last two years of the COVID-19 pandemic should have taught us that medical knowledge is constantly being revised and updated, that it is often based on questionable assumptions rather than evidence, and it is never “one size fits all.”

Writing dubious assumptions into law casts junk science in stone. And the junk science remains embedded in the public mindset long after a law is repealed.

As a result, current pain management policy is a house of cards resting on antiquated and unscientific assumptions with no foundation in evidence, just a collection of incorrect (or unproven) numbers. If the CDC seeks to establish meaningful guidelines, it must focus on modern, scientifically rigorous studies, not a patchwork of unreliable research from the past.

Singer practices general surgery in Phoenix and is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute; Bloom is director of chemical and pharmaceutical science at the American Council on Science and Health

A law firm that is doing a lot of civil rights/discrimination lawsuits – could they assist chronic pain pts and being denied pain meds ?

I am not sure if this article is just a bunch of hyperbole by a law firm trying to stir up some business.  This statement is rather confusing to me...The DEA is authorized to take administrative action against violating individuals and entities.. and then goes on to say… If criminal activity is suspected, the DEA will get the Department of Justice (DOJ) involved.  I am trying to figure out how a entity can violate the CSA and not be involved in criminal activity ?

This law firm has a webpage showing some 3000+ cases of discrimination, I did not review all the cases, but could this law firm be one that could possibly have the in house expertise to deal with discrimination of disable chronic pain pts, when their pain meds are involuntarily reduced or eliminated ?   https://www.jdsupra.com/topics/discrimination/

DOJ Opioid Enforcement Defense


Introduction: The Controlled Substances Act (“CSA”)

The CSA (21 U.S.C. 801 et seq.) imposes a framework that regulates different categories of certain drugs that pose dependency and abuse risks to the public. The CSA applies only to those drugs that either administrative proceedings or Congress have designated as subject to control. The DEA is the main federal agency responsible for enforcing the CSA. The DEA is authorized to take administrative action against violating individuals and entities such as issuing warning letters, ordering suspensions, imposing fines, and demanding revocation of the entity´s license. If criminal activity is suspected, the DEA will get the Department of Justice (DOJ) involved.

In 2020, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that it would increase its enforcement efforts against pharmacies and pharmacists under the Controlled Substances Act (“CSA”) for violating their duty to ensure that opioids are only used for their intended purposes with intended persons. This article, drafted by the federal defense attorneys at Oberheiden, P.C., explains the DOJ´s position on opioid enforcement and recent federal investigations.

“The increase in federal investigations for opioid abuse has caused many pharmacies to receive federal subpoenas and/or civil investigative demands regarding their sales of opioids and controlled substances. To protect themselves, pharmacies should take care in ensuring that they have appropriate compliance procedures in place to prevent opioid diversion and that such compliance procedures are working effectively. Hiring experienced federal defense attorneys is the best defense against federal investigations.” – Dr. Nick Oberheiden, Founding Attorney of Oberheiden P.C.

DEA and DOJ Coordinated Efforts

The DEA generally investigates suspected violations of the CSA including the following:

  • Dispensing controlled substances to individuals without a prescription;
  • Lack of strong controls in place regarding the opioid distribution process;
  • Registration and reporting violations;
  • Failing to maintain detailed records on individuals and employees;
  • Failing to file suspicious reports with the government regarding certain orders;
  • Noncompliance with enhanced standards for security under the CSA; and
  • Other factors regarding dispensing opioids and controlled substances bearing on the pharmacist´s or pharmacy´s responsibilities.

While the above activities subject the individual or entity to DEA oversight, they are generally not criminal offenses. That said, if the DEA suspects that a violation was knowingly made, the DEA—in conjunction with the Department of Justice (DOJ)—may bring criminal charges.

With the DOJ, the DEA is focusing its efforts on the national opioid crisis. The DEA in late October 2021 announced the results of Operation “Dark HunTor,” a coordinated international effort to halt opioid trafficking on the Darknet. The operation resulted in 150 arrests worldwide and the seizure of over $31.6 million in cash and virtual currencies, including about 234 kilograms of drugs such as amphetamine, cocaine, opioids, ecstasy, fentanyl, oxycodone, hydrocodone, methamphetamine pills, and counterfeit medicine.

These agencies have broadened the scope of the CSA for pharmacies and pharmacists by establishing liability for failing to detect the warning signs of drug abuse or diversion. In the eyes of the DOJ, if the pharmacy or pharmacist fails to have procedures in place that detect opioid abuse or diversion or ignores obvious warning signs or red flags, then they may be liable for filling prescriptions that lack a legitimate purpose or that are written by prescribers not acting according to the standards of their professional practice.

DOJ Investigations to Combat Opioids

The DOJ´s Consumer Protection Branch is leading the effort in pursuing both criminal and civil actions against individuals and entities who are diverting or abusing opioids, taking advantage of the opioid crisis in the nation, or who are otherwise negligent or reckless in prescribing or delivering opioids. The DOJ has made it a priority to target various individuals and entities in the opioid supply chain, including distributors, manufacturers, pharmacies, pharmacists, and prescribers. Below are notable examples:

  • In early February 2020, a federal court ordered a pharmacy in North Carolina and a pharmacist to pay $600,000 in civil penalties and to permanently cease dispensing opioids and other controlled substances. The pharmacist was also ordered to surrender his license to practice. The order cites Defendant’s failure for years in responding to red flags of drug diversion when filling prescriptions for controlled substances.
  • In March 2020, a pharmacy from Georgia and its pharmacist agreed to settle charges with the DOJ for unlawfully dispensing thousands of illegitimate prescriptions for opioids and other controlled substances under the CSA. Defendants had allegedly ignored and failed to take action against numerous red flags, including prescriber and customer warning signs regarding opioid abuse, and therefore facilitated the opioid distribution process. The pharmacist and pharmacy agreed to a settlement of about $2.1 million in civil penalties.
  • At the end of October 2020, the DOJ announced the global resolution of criminal and civil investigations regarding opioid manufacturer Purdue Pharma LP and civil settlements. The charges involved the abuse and diversion of prescription opioids. The DOJ obtained guilty pleas, a settlement of over $8 billion, and the dissolution of the company’s assets.

The DOJ will continue its aggressive stance under the CSA with the help of the DEA. Another area of concern for prescribers in telemedicine has gathered increased federal scrutiny due to COVID-19. Telemedicine presents unique risks. Prescribers cannot see their patients and are unable to physically evaluate their condition. The lack of face-to-face meetings makes it easier for criminals to conceal their identities and true intentions. Further, identity verification procedures are often less intense with telemedicine and tele-visits. To avoid unnecessary federal attention, many prescribers and entities have implemented comprehensive compliance programs that are designed to detect, mitigate, and monitor an entity´s operations for red flags.


The Department of Justice (DOJ) is committed now more than ever to holding pharmacies and pharmacists accountable for their roles in allegedly failing to take action to prevent illicit uses of opioids or for further facilitating the nation’s opioid crisis. In conjunction with the DEA, the DOJ has pursued an aggressive, broadened stance for failing to take care that opioids and other controlled substances are not being diverted for illegal purposes. Violations regarding the mishandling of opioids or failing to take care in the opioid distribution process can lead to serious penalties and even imprisonment terms. We can expect more federal investigations and indictments under the CSA. To prevent this from happening to you, retaining experienced federal defense attorneys is your best defense.

Looking in the rear view mirror

I found this graphic on my computer with a date from 2014

Then there is this graphic that shows ALL OVERDOSES – starting about the time that the Decade of Pain Law expired and was not renewed.. Opiate Rxs peaked in 2011 – again near the start of this graphic and projects the OD deaths thru the end of the decade. So if that prediction is correct, Overdose deaths will have INCREASED TEN FOLD in 15 yrs. If you notice in the graphic, there is a substantial uptick after the 2016 CDC guidelines were released and in 2021 when our SW Southern border was opened up. Reportedly a “flood” of illegal Fentanyl analog and other illegal abused substances started happening about one year ago. What is also interesting is the number of deaths contributed to use/abuse of alcohol and nicotine have not increased anywhere near those of involving legal/illegal controlled substances.  According to this article https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/fentanyl-seizures-u-s-southern-border-rise-dramatically-n1272676 in the first 9 months of 2021 federal fiscal year the seizures of just illegal fentanyl analogs was over THREE TIMES MORE than all of the entire 2020 fiscal year.

There is another graphic where the various illegal/legal drugs caused OD’s. What is not shown, and it is not known if the CDC did not track or did not disclose.. is the number of OD’s from Pharma opiates was relatively flat for the entire decade, were they from people who had a legal Rx for the opiate showing in the toxicology – which would suggest a SUICIDE or some pharma opiates that have been diverted from legal sources.

What I find interesting is that both pharma opiate production limits and the number of Rx opiate filled have been CUT IN HALF, since 2011.

One just have to wonder how anyone can claim that pharma opiates have any connection to all the OD’s involving illegal Fentanyl. In 2021, that number is reported as being 75,000.

Clinical Trial Finds BP Elevation With Regular Acetaminophen Use

So …. they CUT YOUR PAIN MEDS, YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE GOES UP… and they tell you to take a non-opiate pain med for your pain.. This study suggests that Acetaminophen ( Tylenol ) could cause your blood pressure to GO HIGHER !   The GOOD NEWS  is… you won’t harm your liver taking Acetaminophen, the BAD NEWS is, high blood pressure could harm your kidneys and so will most NSAIDS (Aspirin, Motrin, etc) – depending on how much you take. So what is worse … the frying pan or the fire ?

Clinical Trial Finds BP Elevation With Regular Acetaminophen Use


Edinburgh, UK—Regular use of acetaminophen might not be appropriate for patients with hypertension because the painkiller significantly raises blood pressure, according to a new study.

The University of Edinburgh study suggests that goes against conventional belief, adding that the drug “is widely used as first-line therapy for chronic pain because of its perceived safety and the assumption that, unlike nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, it has little or no effect on blood pressure (BP).”

Their study, published in Circulation, notes that observational studies suggest that acetaminophen may increase BP, but few clinical trials have tackled the question. That is why they conducted a clinical trial to access the effect of regular acetaminophen dosing on BP in hypertension.

For the double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study, researchers randomized 110 participants to receive 1 g of acetaminophen 4X daily or matched placebo for 2 weeks followed by a 2-week washout period before moving over to the alternate treatment. They measured ambulatory BPs at the beginning and end of each treatment period.

Defined as the primary outcome was a comparison of the change in mean daytime systolic BP from baseline to end of treatment between the placebo and acetaminophen arms.

With 103 patients completing both arms of the study, researchers report that regular acetaminophen, compared with placebo, was found to result in a significant increase in mean daytime systolic BP (132.8±10.5 to 136.5±10.1 mmHg [acetaminophen] vs. 133.9±10.3 to 132.5±9.9 mmHg [placebo] ;P <.0001) with a placebo-corrected increase of 4.7 mmHg (95% CI, 2.9-6.6) and mean daytime diastolic BP (81.2±8.0 to 82.1±7.8 mmHg [acetaminophen] vs. 81.7±7.9 to 80.9±7.8 mmHg [placebo]; P = .005) with a placebo-corrected increase of 1.6 mmHg (95% CI, 0.5-2.7).

They add that similar findings were identified for 24-hour ambulatory and clinic-measured BP.

“Regular daily intake of 4 g acetaminophen increases systolic BP in individuals with hypertension by ≈5 mm Hg when compared with placebo; this increases cardiovascular risk and calls into question the safety of regular acetaminophen use in this situation,” the authors conclude.

In an accompanying commentary, Steven M. Smith, PharmD, MPH, and Rhonda M. Cooper-DeHoff, PharmD, MS, of the Department of Pharmacotherapy and Translational Research, College of Pharmacy at the University of Florida, in Gainesville, point out, “An important but often underappreciated contributor to stagnant BP control rates is drug-induced hypertension. At least 40 to 50 drugs currently in use have been implicated in raising BP, through activation of sympathetic (e.g., pseudoephedrine, venlafaxine) or renin-angiotensin systems (estrogen-based oral contraceptives) promotion of sodium/volume retention (corticosteroids, calcineurin inhibitors) or other mechanisms.”

Drs. Smith and Cooper-DeHoff also advise that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, to which acetaminophen often is used as an alternative, blunt the effectiveness of many first-line antihypertensives.

Calling the new study an “important addition” to the research, the commentators write that the BP-raising effects of acetaminophen have been known for more than half a century, but that few clinical trials have provided evidence of that.

The content contained in this article is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. Reliance on any information provided in this article is solely at your own risk.

SUCKERBERG: Texas AG Paxton rips Meta for stealing user biometrics to ‘make more money’

Texas AG Paxton rips Meta for stealing user biometrics to ‘make more money’


AG Paxton says Meta’s privacy violations are ‘damaging’ to personal identity

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed a lawsuit against Meta for stealing users’ personal information and causing irreparable damages, he told “Mornings with Maria” Tuesday.

Paxton: There’s specific statutory damages for a deceptive trade practice up to 10,000 per violation and then 25,000 for actually capturing someone’s biometric identifier, whether that’s face, fingerprints, or anything without their knowledge. Because this is all personal information and this is information you can’t change. 

I mean, it’s not like you can go get a new Social Security number or a new driver’s license. This is your personal information and once it’s out, once they’ve shared it, once they’ve disclosed it, the genie is out of the bottle. You can’t get it back. So that’s damaging to you as an individual when you have not known about it, you didn’t consent to it as required by law. And now it’s been used by Facebook to make more money as they share it with other people without your knowledge or your consent…


They actually implied or told us that they weren’t using facial geometry or capturing your face. And the reality was they’ve been doing it for well over a decade without our knowledge and actually misleading consumers and the state of Texas that they were actually capturing this information…

We filed this in East Texas in a state district court. I wouldn’t be surprised if we are in trial within a year or so. And in front of a jury, explain to the fellow Texans exactly what happened with Facebook. 

Why Try to Kill the Physician

Why Try to Kill the Physician


The king is dead, long live the king.

The reign of the physician is over, replaced by a system of nudges, consultants, and care gap analyses. The lone physician is now gone. In its wake resides a nexus of data and decision prompts, all interacting to standardize healthcare for patients.

Clinical decisions are made in rapid succession. Each correlating data with a decision until the process achieves peak efficiency. In such a system, physicians become an unnecessary expense and a rate-limiting step.

So physicians are replaced. Sometimes they are replaced with mid-level healthcare providers. Sometimes they are replaced with outsourced consultants. But in nearly all circumstances, clinical decisions transfer from an individual physician to a system of decision-making.

It is justified as a cost-cutting measure, as a way to eliminate extraneous costs from healthcare. But the underlying assumption is that the clinical decisions made by a system are equal to that of a physician. Sometimes that is true, but sometimes not.

And in emphasizing the cost of care alone, we overlook a more fundamental balance – between the cost of care and the quality of decision-making. We seem to believe the two are on the same side of the figurative healthcare scale, moving in unison. When in reality, they are weighed against one another, in determined opposition.

There comes a point, in the push for healthcare efficiency, where additional cost cutting measures compromise the quality of care. There is a limit to the number of physicians we can eliminate through a cost-effective system of patient care. It is defined by the nature of the individual clinical decision.

Some clinical decisions are considered simple, nearly reflexive. We do not need a physician to tell us to lose a few pounds to stave off the effects of obesity. Yet many decisions are considered complex. These are the decisions that require physician input. So it would appear that the balance between cost and quality of clinical decision-making is defined by the complexity of the underlying decision.

But, when evaluated in its full context, every decision in healthcare is in reality complex. We merely choose which decisions to simplify and which to keep complex. When a patient repeatedly presents with elevated blood pressure, many would naturally assume that the patient is hypertensive and prescribe a medication. This appears to be a simple decision. These are the Best weight loss pills for women.

But elevated blood pressure is a complex phenomenon, influenced by psychological, behavioral, and physiologic processes. An anxious person can have elevated blood pressure, just like someone who loves to eat processed foods with an extra dash of salt. When physicians diagnose someone with essential hypertension, they essentially acknowledge that they do not know the primary cause of the elevated blood pressure, but recognize that medications may help.

In healthcare, complexity abounds every decision. But to pursue every aspect of every clinical decision would render healthcare obsolete. It would collapse under the weight of its own impractically. Simplification becomes a necessary aspect of modern healthcare.

But the trend towards simplification became a pursuit for the oversimplified as we vied for efficiency as a proxy for cost savings. We can only go so far in this direction because healthcare is not simple – we just need to pretend it is in order to navigate through it.

Systems can only replace physicians when we find an optimal balance between decisions that can be simplified and those that must remain complex. But the more we learn about healthcare, and barriers to optimal patient outcomes, the more complex healthcare proves to be.

And the more complex healthcare becomes, the less we can rely on systems for clinical decisions – the balance tilts away from the simple. Eventually we must revert back to physicians as primary decision-makers, incurring additional costs accordingly. Otherwise, healthcare will not advance further.

So perhaps the presumed demise of the physician has been greatly exaggerated.

I have stated many times that our healthcare system is nothing more … nothing less… that a FOR PROFIT BUSINESS. This article refers to corporations replacing physicians with “mid-levels”..  mid-levels are ARNP, NP, PA… and to the best of my knowledge, when a mid-level provides a product/service to a pt the corporation that they work for get reimbursed at 85% of what a MD would get reimbursed.  I doubt if mid-levels, get a salary that is 85% of what MD’s get paid…  So the corporation has a “larger spread” between what the practitioner gets paid and what the corporation gets reimbursed from insurance for the service provided. the times they are a changing !


You need to get Quality Control into that store: CVS #10548 @ 2600 W Michigan Kalamazoo MI location

You need to get Quality Control into that store: CVS #10548 @ 2600 W Michigan Kalamazoo MI location

The CVS #10548 @ 2600 W Michigan Kalamazoo MI location has severe issues while dealing with people’s Rx.
#1 They have my middle name listed as my last name.
#2 They filled ALL RX INSTEAD of the one I called in. Before I had to resort to CVS Mail order bc this store NEVER FILLED my Rx in a timely manner. Today my son picked up the Rx I called for yesterday #272043 cost $0.00. Yet this store refilled #283434 cost $47.00 WHEN I NEVER ORDERED IT. Plus, they filled a 3rd Rx I NEVER ordered bc I don’t take it anymore. You need to get Quality Control into that store or soon they’ll give someone the wrong Rx that doesn’t belong to them and you’ll have a lawsuit on your hands. They are much too incompetent to be open to the public. Do something.

As pandemic pushes people to be healthier, pharmacy is ready to help

As pandemic pushes people to be healthier, pharmacy is ready to help


Since the start of the pandemic, Malley’s Compounding Pharmacy has weathered a prescription-filling rush, a shutdown, a slowdown and then a shift to steady business with more customers focused on prioritizing health and wellness, including adding more supplements to their routine.

“We’ve seen an increase in business with people just wanting to be healthier,” said Anne Henriksen, pharmacist and owner of the Richland pharmacy at George Washington Way and McMurray Street. “People are more in a wellness mindset and interested in supplements to improve their overall health, and we are versed in the different supplements offered, including potential allergens.”

Like all small business owners, it’s been stressful to navigate pandemic challenges. Her team is often stretched nearly to the breaking point with the constant threat of Covid-19 exposures. Then there’s pre-planned vacations or unexpected work absences.

“When you only have six people there on any given day, and then you give lunch breaks, you might have just two people in the front while others are in the back doing other things,” she said. “It’s hard to be able to manage staff, and then do the things you need to do.”

In operation since the 1950s, Henriksen bought the Tri-City landmark with her husband in 2010 after owning another pharmacy location in town.

It wasn’t a dream she initially had while getting her pharmacy degree at Washington State University in Pullman.

Henriksen returned to the Tri-Cities where she had arrived as a teen and come to love the sense of community she found at Richland High.

“I’ve been able to make it what you want it to be,” she said about the drug store she operates with two other pharmacists and a handful of additional staff members, including her husband.

Malley’s stands out for its unique service offering compounding, which includes making medications from raw materials.

Malley’s Compounding Pharmacy at 1906 George Washington Way in Richland is a longtime Tri-City pharmacy, filling a wide variety of medications, including custom doses for children and pets. (Courtesy Malley’s Compounding Pharmacy)

“It’s always based on a prescription from a doctor,” Henriksen said. “Compounding is done for a variety of reasons – maybe it’s one particular dose, or a lower dose in a liquid versus a higher dose in a liquid. Often with heart medication for a baby, it’s not made commercially in a low dose a baby would need.” Henriksen said her team works closely with children’s hospitals in Seattle and Spokane to provide medications as prescribed.

Henriksen said typically pharmacies offering compounding services only accept payments in cash, but Malley’s is contracted with all the major insurance companies.

“We work with state Medicaid and all the plans that these children need. I understand how much these bills add up for children with special needs, and it’s important to be able to cover these on their insurance,” she said.

Henriken’s pharmacy recently created medication for a patient in hospice that could be absorbed through the skin instead of by swallowing.

“This helps with agitation that comes with end of life,” she said.

As one of the only compounding pharmacies in Eastern Washington, Malley’s helps with bioidentical hormones, often for menopausal symptoms, and also dispenses veterinary medications.

The onset of the pandemic brought an initial rush to Malley’s as people hurried to fill 90-day supplies of their prescriptions and then hunkered down. The pharmacy pace was temporarily slower than normal for several months in 2020 before rebounding.

Without a drive-thru, Malley’s offered curbside service before the pandemic and still provides the option to customers today.

It tries to offer a more personal relationship with customers. Henriksen described the chain pharmacies as “overwhelmed” and often the only option for patients.

“People often lack a choice in pharmacy,” she said. “We have been pushed out of insurance networks to where people can’t use us. When there’s a level playing field, smaller pharmacies are going to win.” Henriksen is active in state legislative efforts to avoid the squeeze on independently owned drug stores. She encourages people to let her staff check on coverage before allowing an insurance company to tell them a prescription isn’t covered unless filled by a chain pharmacy.

“It’s often said to be more expensive to come to us, and it’s either a negligible amount or not higher at all. Don’t pay a cash price without talking to an independent pharmacy first. We will never do that to you,” she said.

Like all pharmacies, Malley’s has struggled to keep at-home Covid-19 tests in stock. “Our ability to buy them has been extremely difficult,” she said.

Malley’s is open weekdays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and by appointment on Saturdays for urgent needs.

search Malley’s Compounding Pharmacy: 1906 George Washington Way, Richland; 509-943-9173; Malleyspharmacy.com; @malleyscompoundingpharmacy.


Time to Kick the CDC Out of Washington

Time to Kick the CDC Out of Washington


Return COVID briefings to where they began, with the career scientists at Atlanta headquarters

Although the CDC was included on the White House COVID Response Team to bolster the scientific credibility, it ended up being at the expense of its own.

CDC and its director, Rochelle Walensky, MD, need to reclaim their independence and return to Atlanta. Let the White House continue to tout its pandemic accomplishments, and return the COVID briefings to where they started, conducted by career scientists at CDC headquarters.

The agency’s presence in Washington has hindered, not helped, its reputation. Rather than effectively and expertly managing the crisis, the White House COVID Response Team’s uneasy marriage of politics and public health has instead fueled distrust of public health guidelines. And this unbalanced partnership has tainted the formerly apolitical health agency.

Leaving the White House COVID Response Team would disentangle the CDC from this politically charged arrangement, and empower it to manage this public health crisis as they’ve managed every prior public health crisis, from 2009’s H1N1 swine flu pandemic to 2014’s Ebola outbreak.

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, it looked like the CDC would once again be leading the country through another public health crisis, with regular briefings on the situation. However, these were discontinued after CDC’s former director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Nancy Messonnier, MD, told reporters at a press briefing on Feb. 25, 2020 that “disruption to everyday life may be severe” from this “novel coronavirus” in the U.S.

Shortly thereafter, the “White House COVID Task Force” was born under the Trump administration. COVID briefings were no longer handled by the federal public health agency, but by a handful of politicians and federal agency heads.

Including CDC in the White House COVID briefings has muddied its messaging with that of the White House, and led to some uncomfortable moments for Walensky, as well as a dramatic decline in public trust of the agency. Returning the COVID briefings to the CDC would help to rebuild some broken trust with the public.

Unmooring the CDC from the White House sends the message that the pandemic is not over, and the nation’s public health agency is focusing their attention on ending it, rather than endorsing whatever the White House says. Separate COVID briefings also might help Walensky to clarify and strengthen her messaging, rather than acting as window dressing in a politically charged venue.

If the CDC held its own briefings, it also might encourage a more active role for HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, who has been practically invisible during the pandemic with the White House running the show. The Association of Health Care Journalists recently penned a letter to Becerra, asking him to hold a press conference open to all reporters for general questions, arguing it would reflect “the promise of government transparency” from this administration.

The White House COVID Response Team should retain some scientific voice in the form of Anthony Fauci, MD, the chief medical adviser to the president. Fauci should return to what he does best: explaining the science behind the latest COVID vaccines and treatments, while leaving the cable network and political show appearances to Walensky or other CDC officials so they can reiterate the public health messages without being so heavily entangled in White House messaging.

The CDC must return to Atlanta to resume the role it was always meant to play: an apolitical arbiter of public health decisions and an advisor to the White House, not its yes-man. Mixing the two together has left a political stench on the agency’s credibility. The time has come to dissolve this doomed marriage of convenience.

Rachel Warren, SVP, Editorial

Ian Ingram, Managing Editor

Molly Walker, Deputy Managing Editor

Kristina Fiore, Director, Enterprise & Investigative Reporting

Joyce Frieden, Washington Editor

Pain Patient Story

Pain Patient Story


I received the following well-written letter from a patient 2 years ago. How many other patients are in this same situation?  It is for patients like her that everyone needs to learn that drugs are not the cause of addiction so we can get the Controlled Substance Act repealed.


I need help finding a doctor with the courage to prescribe my medications and increase the doses as needed when I move. I have severe intractable chronic pain, throughout my entire body, due to a 1986 motorcycle crash, where a drunk driver exceeding 80mph hit the motorcycle I was on the back of, literally tearing and breaking my body to pieces and almost ending my life. I obviously survived, however, 33 years later, being 52 years old now, I have a plethora of added conditions that cause a cruel and torturous constant state of pain. I moved to New Mexico in 2009, and it took me years of different doctors, all requiring new tests (i.e. x-ray to MRI, etc.), fighting my way through this completely messed up system with no doctors even close to being qualified to understand or care for my severe and unique condition. I finally have a doctor who, at minimum, feels terrible for me after viewing the few x-rays and MRIs that have been done, and although he won’t raise my medication to the dosage I need to have life quality, he will not lower my dosage because he realizes I’m suffering terribly. Now I’m just barely making it through each day, trying to stay strong. The medical board here is even backing my doctor up with what I do have, as they know my condition is very severe. Unfortunately, I do not have a condition that is technically considered end of life like cancer, and my conditions are mostly all physically impairing and have been dubbed “end of care” whatever that is supposed to mean. Basically, there’s nothing more that can be done to improve my conditions, and I’m one of the rare cases that truly just needs pain relief through the only thing that helps… opioid medications.

I cannot even take most types of opioids, because they just make me loopy in the doses I need, and don’t allow me to function. The only medication that truly works to ease my pain, and keep my brain faculties clear, is the demonized Oxycontin 80mg ER tablets, with breakthrough pain medication throughout the day. The doses I’m on are shy by two pills a day, as the Oxycontin doesn’t last 12 hours as they claim. I do not feel any kind of “high” or loopiness from this medication, only a slight relief from the completely debilitating pain I have. My doctor and nurse, along with myself of course, have been trying to get someone who specializes in pain and opioid prescribing to tell my doctor that it’s ok to raise my dose to 4-80mg ER tablets per 24 hours, because my doctor is just not a specialist in this field, and is afraid to increase my doses. I completely understand his concern, however, he’s sent me to many different so called pain specialists, and in this state as many others, they refuse to prescribe any opioid medications to any patients anymore, no matter how severe the condition. Therefore he’s just stuck in my care as it stands now, which he knows is still keeping me from life quality, but he tried. The state of affairs for a unique patient such as myself is just terrible, and I have fallen into the cracks of the medical system and the opioid crisis everyone is so invested into. They just forgot, or don’t even care, about the patients like myself, who legitimately require opioid medication therapy to survive my severe state of pain throughout my totally broken and increasingly degenerating body. We’ve been fighting to get someone educated and brave enough to tell my doctor it is ok to raise my dose to 4 pills a day, understanding that after 33 years taking opioids for my conditions, tolerance has built up, and what seems extremely high doses to an average person, is nothing to my tolerant state. But there isn’t 1 pain doctor or facility in the state of New Mexico that is qualified to understand this. And Medicare/ Medicaid here has completely cut out Palliative Pain Care in the state. It’s non-existent. So now, I’m completely terrified of my move to another state, as every doctor in the country it seems only has one plan of care for all patients taking opioid medication… lowering dosages and cutting patients off completely, no matter the condition. I’m 52 in May, tired of fighting for proper pain care, sick of being a Guinea Pig to all these “non-opioid” medications that have had scary consequences to my health (I’ve had really bad reactions to them), and invasive procedures that end up causing more harm and pain. I just want to live out the remainder of my life with adequate pain relief for quality of life. My first granddaughter is to be born in late August of this year, and I want to be able to enjoy being a grandmother, playing with and caring for her. But without proper pain relief I will continue to be homebound, unable to enjoy my older years, just as I’ve been unable to enjoy my years after being a victim to a drunk driver and my severe condition continuing to get more severe as I age. I feel I became a victim of a crime in 1986 at only age 18, and continue being victimized by the very medical system that is supposed to be making sure I’m safe and not suffering endlessly. I know other patients with as severe amounts of intractable pain (if anyone even exists with as much pain as me) turn to ending their life as the only way to stop the torture.

That’s very sad and I understand it, but that’s not who I am. I’m a fighter and was made clearly aware, by my orthopedic surgeons who saved my life 33 years ago, that I would end up in severe pain by age 40, and they thought I’d be forced to live in a nursing home. But I refuse to give up my life and independence, and push myself on a daily basis. And now, I want to move to my dream home so I can enjoy the things that improve life quality like nature, green grasses, trees, clear and clean natural water sources everywhere, and most important, my granddaughter! After all I’ve been through and all the suffering, I do not think these final years of happiness and life quality is too much to ask for. In fact, at this point I feel I’ve followed all the rules, cooperated with my doctor even though I still suffer, and I feel it’s owed to me to finally have some peace, decent care, and life quality. As I said, I’ve been strong and have fought for my independence and don’t plan in just “giving up” on quality of life and happiness. But I can’t do it completely alone. I must have a doctor who is willing to give me that life quality care, along with the other care for other conditions I suffer from, and prescribe medications, including high dose opioid medications, that have been proven to work for my biology (I cannot take some of the opioids such as morphine as they just make me loopy), and yet allow me to stay as independent as possible, for as long as possible. I know my doctor currently will do whatever he can for me, including writing a letter of recommendation for care, as he feels terribly for my suffering.   He would even increase my dose to 4-80mg ER per 24 hours if another doctor gave him the recommendation to do so.

The problem I fear so much, is the receptiveness of another doctor in another state to actually take over the prescribing and care. Too many doctors today fear the loss of their licenses so much, that they all have completely stopped any and all opioid prescribing regardless of a patient’s severe condition. It’s completely wrong, unconstitutionally and civilly wrong. We’re all supposed to have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, regardless of our disabilities and medical/ medication needs. I would even consider some part time work if my pain was controlled properly; in fact, that is one of my many desires for life quality, to work again and contribute to society, pay taxes, etc. In fact, I was working, and excelling at work to the highest and award worthy levels before moving to New Mexico, when I was being prescribed 4-80mg ER Oxycontin per day along with the breakthrough medications that I only took if the pain got severe enough. I was excelling above all my peers and truly enjoying my work. But when I got to New Mexico and changed doctors etc., she got my records and prescribed them once, but when a Prior Authorization was needed, she refused and lowered it to 2 per day, which at the time didn’t need the PA as it now does. I deteriorated quickly after that, pushed myself to continue working for as long as I could take it, until I had to be put onto the FMLA due to my inability to even get out of bed many days, and the company I worked for allowed me to continue working until all the FMLA allowed time was used up. I’ve been unable to work since and unfortunately my body has continued to deteriorate with added painful conditions too. But I sure would love to have my pain controlled with medication that works well with my body and be able to work again as well. My mind is still very much intact, and I’m intelligent and talented and can learn just about any task or job fairly quickly, and usually become top employee fast and qualify for promotions. How I would love to feel those accomplishments again, adding to my life quality, giving me purpose, validating my life and ability to succeed. But as I stated, that was taken from me back in 2009, even before “the opioid crisis in America” took such a horrible turn in medical care for so many patients. I need help Doctors of Courage. Help with finding a doctor willing to take over my care without taking my opioid pain medications away or trying to change them, and if possible, even getting a recommendation to my physician currently to raise my medication dose to 4-80mg ER Oxycontin per 24 hours and maybe even reduce the breakthrough medication.

I follow all the rules and laws, take urine tests every few months, have a contract with my doctor, and all the requirements for patients taking opioid medications, and have never had any problems. In fact, my doctor has it in my file as “Uncomplicated Opioid Dependence”. I have so many things wrong or going wrong with my body, they won’t even know what every one is until my autopsy is done at this rate. It’s a terrible system, the medical and medical insurance system. It’s broken worse than my broken body, which is extremely broken. And the really sad part is, in my particular case, my medical conditions that cause my severe chronic intractable pain, are things that are quite viable and undeniable with things like theIr x-rays and MRIs, unlike some of the other pain patients out there fighting for their medications and pain relief that have conditions that aren’t so easily viewable, but I still am being treated poorly, like the other pain patients. I’m a perfect patient subject to use to show how horribly out of control the opioid crisis solutions have affected pain patients. Because my conditions are multiple, complicated, severe conditions, and yet just like every other pain patient, most all doctors, so called “pain specialists” and so called “experts” still use the new “no opioid prescribing”, “opioid weaning” methodology, or what we pain patients call the “One Size Fits All” theory and solution they have come to the conclusion will stop the opioid epidemic. I am a clear case patient that, if used as an example, can verify to all those doctors, specialists, rule makers like HHS, CDC, DEA, Our Government, The White House, Senators, Governors, EVERYONE who has turned their backs on all patients who need pain medication, that it’s a horrible injustice, cruelty, unconditionally wrong to just take this “guideline” and this opioid crisis, and apply it to every and all, rather than using a case by case patient analysis to see if a patient truly requires opioid pain medications, even in high doses due to tolerance or severity and number of years taking opioid medications, just the same as a diabetic needs insulin, or a coma patient who needs a feeding tube. It’s a critical mistake to just stop prescribing opioid medications to everyone as a policy. And I’m the perfect patient to show them how much of a mistake it is. It’s cruelty, inhumane, and against everything true medical care providers are supposed to be doing (caring for patients). It’s torture and we treat our pets and animals better than pain patients at this point. I’m the perfect patient to get a thorough pain diagnostic profile on, and present to everyone who has turned their backs on severe intractable pain patients, forcing inhumane torture and suffering.

I cannot afford to “fly to Washington D.C.” to protest these actions taken, but I’m willing to help any way I can to show our side of this crisis, and how cruel, inhumane, and totally wrong they all are in this methodology they are using in this solution to the opioid crises epidemic, and how patients like me and so many others are being poorly treated, undertreated, and outright ignored and shut out, falling right through the cracks of the system. And how patients like us do not have the time to wait while suffering so badly in torturous pain, for them to “work out the issues”, as they say they are doing, while so many are in so much pain, that death becomes the best option to patients who would have never dreamt of suicide or had mental issues of depression prior to their medications being taken from them and being forced to suffer unimaginable pain.

We should never have to suffer like this, as disabled Americans with legitimate conditions. I’m hoping, when I move, that I can get the help I need to get to the dosage I need. Please let me know if I can help our fight for pain patients. I’m willing to allow full examination or whatever it’s needed, and the history of how I got here as a victim of crime in the first place. Talk about being dealt the worst hand ever! Since I was just barely 18 years old. I’m about to turn 52, and suffering. God Bless Doctors Of Courage!

Having just connected with her again after 2 years, she wrote the following update:

Hi Linda,

It truly has been a very rough time since I emailed you. I never have been able to move, which is truly depressing, and so much has changed, for the worse. My doctor has retired here in NM, and I am about to be completely out of my medications because the new doctor refuses to prescribe anything, and the horrible part, the pain doctor he sent me to literally said he would not continue to prescribe even what I’ve been taking for a decade+ because, and I quote, “my insurance will drop me” he said. Not because that’s the best patient care. As it is a fact that my condition is bad, getting worse, and there is no procedure that can help me, and it’s dangerous. So to answer your initial question I just read from the first email, yes, use my story, I want to be a part of this anyway I can. I’m not sure what’s going to happen to me, but I’m scared and they are putting me back on the Rollercoaster of hell. Tell me what you need from me.

And my response to all pain patients is that you need to learn the REAL cause of drug abuse so that you can teach it to everyone and we can get the Controlled Substance Act repealed. Chasing the CDC guidelines will get you nowhere.  I really don’t see much help even coming out of the Supreme Court decision on the Kahn/Ruan case, because the DOJ can still use the phrase in the CSA “legitimate medical practice” calling anything they want “illegitimate”. As long as the propaganda against opioids is in the minds of the jurors, doctors will be prosecuted and convicted, and opioids will become a thing of the past.