Kentucky: DEA has relaxed controlled substance laws… BUT…we are business as usual

Please contact the Drug Enforcement and Professional Practices Branch of the Kentucky Office of Inspector General in the Cabinet for Health and Family Services at 502-564-7985 with any questions.


This information is current as of April 2, 2020.

Although the DEA has relaxed Federal controlled substances laws, Kentucky Drug Enforcement and Professional Practices Branch of the Kentucky Office of Inspector General in the Cabinet for Health and Family Services has not. Therefore, Kentucky laws, since they are more stringent, must be followed. Please reference the attached document for additional guidelines.

So the attorneys within the “Cabinet for Health and Family Services ”  have decided that they are not going to made a temporary relaxing of KY’s laws concerning Controlled Substance Acts… to sync with those the DEA has done at the Federal level.

It isn’t as if KY has made so much progress in fighting the war on drugs over the last 50 yrs that relaxing some portions of their Controlled Substance Act would cause them to loose so much grown in fighting the war on drugs in their state.

Of course, this decision appears to have been made by those who are part of our judicial system and may not take into consideration for the health of anyone that has a valid medical necessity for being prescribed controlled substances.

There was nothing mentioned in the information that I have received that there appears to also no change in how those being treated for  substance abuse/addicts… if so, at least they are consistent… consistently STUPID !


As full disclosure, I have been a licensed Pharmacist in the State of KY since July 1970

One Response

  1. Exactly!!! They ALWAYS LEAVE OUT PAIN PTS!
    The AMA clearly states Pain As Well AS ADDICTS!!
    IF KY can DO IT? Because they’re usually hard as Nails! Then all other States can DO it TOO!

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