Justice took EIGHT YEARS to come !

Here is a another fatal error by a “teenaged technician“… and according to the attorney for the family…

“justice has finally been served after eight years in which Walgreens has dragged out this litigation.”

Even though the woman had to cease her chemotherapy for a early stage cancer and subsequencly died.. Walgreens apparently drug out the process and putting the family thru further pain and suffering.. for a total of EIGHT YEARS …

Here is a quote from a different attorney suing for medication errors …

“In fact, a lot of the people working in the pharmacy have about the same level of training as someone that would be working in fast food,”

Here is another gem of a quote from the same attorney…

In a lawsuit he is bringing against Kroger’s, …..pharmacy technicians complained of being overworked and afraid to take time to go to the bathroom.

This is a OSHA violation.. for ALL EMPLOYEE.. if an employer .. discourages/prohibits employees from rest room breaks…

Here is best – IMO – from the article …

“I’m not aware of a public desire to know” the (error) rates, said Edith Rosato, executive director of the National Chain Drug Store trade group.

It is estimated that Pharmacy med errors kills 7000 annually… what other industry kills that many people and continues to function???

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