When “supply & demand” has conflict with the “value of a human life”

Ever human life has a “basic value”.. that basic value is derived from one person’s respect for another. When that respect breaks down or disappears, can one claim that all human lives have the same value? This past summer the pharmacy community lost two Pharmacists, 1 pharmacy clerk and two customers to the supply and […]

Joint Commission report on fatigue and med errors

The pharmacy alliance (TPA) has been joined (indirectly) by the Joint Commission in pointing out that fatigue can be a major contributor to med errors JC report Unfortunately, JC’s study focuses on shifts longer than 12 hrs… but the increase in errors after 12 hrs.. would not seem to happen just as the clock passes […]

Here comes another program to fight drug abuse/diversion that won’t work !

the National Precursor Log Exchange (NPLEx) is a national database that officially starts in a lot of state this Jan 1st. In Indiana this program was pushed through the legislature by the Indiana Sheriff’s Assoc and the Indiana State Police. Neither the Indiana Board of Pharmacy nor the Indiana Pharmacists Alliance were involved in getting […]

Office of Medical Investigator (OMI) Hides 2010 Overdose Information

http://www.riograndesun.com/articles/2011/12/03/opinion/editorials/doc4ed7a18ae37c7886620621.txt http://www.grandforksherald.com/event/article/id/222929/group/homepage/ The writer has notice a difference is recent months of the words used to report deaths by drugs. A year ago, it was not unusual to see a death by drug reported as “accidental”. Now I am seeing that the reports of a person dying from drugs is just stated as a “drug […]

Death by misadventure

Death by misadventure: Amy Winehouse died from alcohol, not drug, overdose http://www.periscopepost.com/2011/10/death-by-misadventure-amy-winehouse-died-from-alcohol-not-drug-overdose Can one imagine that if Amy Winehouse had died of a drug overdose.. there would have been more cries to pour more money into the “money pit” called the WAR ON DRUGS…. because of her ACCIDENTAL OVERDOSE… where the over consumption of alcohol […]

Someone is finally printing the truth on drug overdoses

The normal report shows only the increase in drug overdoses … and almost exclusively each is labeled as ACCIDENTAL… this study shows that INTENTIONAL suicide/overdose has increase 3-4 times the rate of ACCIDENTAL overdoses… Could this be because of under/untreated pain and under/untreated mental health issues? Feb. 16–This is part seven of a multi-part series […]