Can the Lawyers be far behind?

Where the media goes… the law profession are usually close behind. According to a article in the a major majority of chain Pharmacists said that their employer and their work environment did little/nothing to promote patient safety – read keep medication errors to a minimum. The Pharmacy Alliance ( in Jan 2012 ,sent a letter to all 51 board asking them to address nine points of interest that will/can affect medication errors. Did the TPA’s prompt this board to preform this survey? Why haven’t other boards taken up similar surveys?
History suggests that once the media gets its attention on some issue… the law profession starts taking interest and various law suits and class action lawsuits are soon to follow.
If you don’t have professional liability insurance — GET IT !… when the lawyers start suing… they will include everyone who was believed to be close to the issue. It will cost you THOUSANDS to defend yourself… because you will be sued as a Pharmacist and your company will be sued separately. If a actual med error was involved.. you will have broken the practice act.. by that very fact… and equally guilty of violating the company’s P&P… which means that the company can disavow any responsibility/liability for your actions/inactions and the resulting collateral damage.

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