Bondi says she is against people being enslaved and abused.. Unless she is doing the same to those in the chronic pain community
Maybe she needs to look in the mirror to see what an enslaver and abuser looks like…
Filed under: General Problems
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
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Bondi says she is against people being enslaved and abused.. Unless she is doing the same to those in the chronic pain community
Maybe she needs to look in the mirror to see what an enslaver and abuser looks like…
Filed under: General Problems
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I agree w/ Candice. And Peon, your statement is spot on:
“There is a ‘mindset’ in Washington that believes in perpetual war and the idea that what the population needs is more laws, rules, and regulations and above all the increased powers of police, FBI, CIA, and NSA.
Does anyone actually believe that after 2+ CENTURIES as a country that we really need ‘representatives’ who’s FULL TIME JOB it is to make more laws and regulations (year after year after year). The reason? The same old tired excuse, they are always to ‘protect’ us from something or someone. If we don’t have enough laws and regulations after this long then at what point will we?
The sickening part about the whole process is that many if not most of these bills are so enormous that some legislators have no problem admitting that they never even read through the whole thing (or any of it most likely) before voting on them!! They probably skimmed over it and had it reviewed by staff and explained to them briefly in a meeting. Almost like reading Cliff Notes prior to a high school literature exam where the student never even cracked the actual book. They are uninterested in the finer details UNLESS they’re reading details in appropriations bills (earmarks) or projects that includes inside insider information as to where highways or bypass construction is being addressed. (Just ask Harry Reid). See how govt works for govt in the link below explaining Reid’s questionable dealings. He did fairly well investing in real estate, being privy to such info prior to public knowledge of such projects)
As for Bondi? I hope that uncaring elitist scum has need of a resume after next month’s election.
Candice is right…”Lawmakers do not free us nor protect their freedoms. They protect big business and the economy first and foremost”. It is all about money and big corporations. I think people are slowly waking up to the fact that government does not act in their interests and that the ever growing expansion of government is not to protect us but take away our freedoms. There is a ‘mindset’ in Washington that believes in perpetual war and the idea that what the population needs is more laws, rules, and regulations and above all the increased powers of police, FBI, CIA, and NSA.
Just like US slave owners were justified because they gave them room and board, and we “rescued” them from a “savage” land…
Ignorance is bliss Mrs. Bondi…. And just because your piety on the outside sounds righteous, your heart is full of hate and doubt in your fellow man.
Lawmakers do not free us nor protect their freedoms. They protect big business and the economy first and foremost.
Quit spinning the facts folks in politics…. The Internet is here to protect us now filling us with the truth about all the lying, bullying, economic schemes and flip-flopping u have been concealing for decades.
The truth hurts, don’t it all u two-faced political hacks!!!
Rant finito!!!!