Münchausen syndrome by proxy


In Münchausen syndrome by proxy, an adult caregiver (typically the mother), makes a child appear sick by either fabricating symptoms or actually causing harm to the child, in order to gain the attention of medical providers and others. In order to perpetuate the medical relationship, the caregiver systematically misrepresents symptoms, fabricates signs, manipulates laboratory tests, or even purposely harms the child (e.g. by poisoning, suffocation, infection, physical injury).[5] Studies have shown a mortality rate of between 6% and 10% of MSbP victims, making it perhaps the most lethal form of abuse.[6][7]

Also unique to this form of abuse is the role that health care providers play by actively, albeit unintentionally, enabling the abuse. By reacting to the concerns and demands of perpetrators, medical professionals are manipulated into a partnership of child maltreatment.[5] Challenging cases that defy simple medical explanations may prompt health care providers to pursue unusual or rare diagnoses, thus allocating even more time to the child and the abuser. Even without prompting, medical professionals may be easily seduced into prescribing diagnostic tests and therapies that are at best uncomfortable and costly, and at worst potentially injurious to the child.[3] If the health practitioner instead resists ordering further tests, drugs, procedures, surgeries, or specialists, the MSbP abuser makes the medical system appear negligent for refusing to help a poor sick child and their selfless parent.[5] Like those with Münchausen Syndrome, MSbP perpetrators are known to switch medical providers frequently, until they find one that is willing to meet their level of need; this practice is known as “doctor shopping” or “hospital hopping”.

The perpetrator will continue the abuse because maintaining the child in the role of the patient satisfies the abuser’s needs. The cure for the victim is to separate the child completely from the abuser. When parental visits are allowed, sometimes there is a disastrous outcome for the child. Even when the child is removed, the perpetrator may turn their attention to another child: a sibling or other child in the family.[10]

Is it just me.. or does this sound familiar ? A parental figure/caregiver causing harm to someone in their care and then acts to “correct” what they have caused?

Here is an recent example of throwing good money after bad..

Jack Conway pushes bill to attack state’s heroin epidemic

Consider the Harrison Narcotic Act.. it made opiate products from being OTC to being illegal and addiction to opiates a crime.. then Uncle Sam had to create a bureaucracy (BNDD/DEA) to try and eliminate the black market for these drugs .. that they created. After 40+ yrs of failing … they made further restrictions on these control meds and they have seemingly created a dramatic increase in Heroin use/abuse/OD’s…  and like KY AG Conway.. is ready to commit more money to “fight” this “Heroin epidemic” .. which they admit their previous actions created.

Münchausen syndrome by proxy ??? or just how our paternalistic bureaucracy (Uncle Sam) creates “mission creep”  or is this “nanny state” a political illness ” ?

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