How some WalMart Pharmacists are implementing a new opiate dosage limits – suppose to be for new acute only

Walmart to restrict opioid dispensing at its pharmacies

Above is a link to the new Walmart Policy and below is what showed up on the web today from a pt in the NW trying to get a “routine opiate prescription filled at her “normal Walmart”


I sent you a message it’s a long one but it kind of has to do with the pharmacy business and it was very shocking today. I’ve been a patient at this Walmart with the same dose for two years the only thing that changed was my doctor retired and he was 90 well deserved and I got transferred to it to another physician and same amount of medicine the only thing that was different was it was not e-filed it was paper and I’m not used to that I brought it to the pharmacy and stupidly had them hold it because I thought it would be safe there I always do it with my daughters medication because it is a controlled substance to me the pharmacy is a safe place. Anyway I went to pick up my prednisone and he said we cannot fill these would not give me a reason I said I don’t believe this applies to me I said I’ve heard about the new law with Walmart I said that’s for new patients and I am a chronic pain patient and I have been a patient here for 2 years and he basically wouldn’t give me any explanation and gave me my prescriptions back and once I got home I looked at them and they had barcodes that they had apparently ripped off in a very rough manner you can almost see the back it’s so thin anyway I don’t know if a new Pharmacy will take them everyone there knows me by my first name except for this guy I probably seen twice and he’s young he’s probably in his twenties maybe early thirtie he gave me the 1 800 Walmart number, and I told the guy what happened I have to wait 3 days in the meanwhile I called the old Walmart that I went to for probably 6 years in a different area and question them what could have been the matter she said I’m going to call right away and find out for you they know me by first name as well and she said it was pharmacists digression. Well nothing has changed on my end he complained that it was a high dose well it’s the same dose I’ve taken for over 2 years and gotten filled there what changed he treated me like horrible. This totally reminds me I should have had my phone on the counter but never in my wildest dreams would this have ever happened I didn’t go there for that I went there for simple medications any other person would and I was treated like a criminal and I would have loved to have it on recording. Sorry but this reminded me of it.


4 Responses

  1. Really ,,,lets tell our 80 year old grammaS to call the pharmacist 1st,or,,if We deal w/different pharmacist we get red flagged by our government..hey,,since we never had ANY of this denial of access to effective care BEFORE,, Dr.Government started illegally being doctors to 210,000 people under the color of ;Law,again,illegal,,how bout the government get the hell out of our medicines,,as the LAW STATES.AND OUR GOVERNMENT follows the laws THAT GOVERN THEIR ABUSE OF POWER OF AUTHORITY OVER US,,THAT WOULD FIX ALL OF THIS,,IF THE GOVERNMENT FOLLOWED THE LAW,,,,mary.

  2. I went thru some bs at Walmart getting my last rx of oxycodone i was forced into withdrawal because the rx wasn’t marked exempt. I received in the mail a form my doctor had to fill out carried an opioid attestation which basically gives chronic pain patients a no limit on what we need to treat my pain. I wish i could show pay the photos of it but basically ir ws sent from my health insurance, i have Medicaid, amerigroup. I am uncertain whether private insurance has their own so i apologize as i do not know. If yall have any questions regarding the Medicaid opioid attestation i will be happy to answer what i can. For those who are thinking crazy thoughts the opioid attestation will relieve those fears. If your doctor does bly know about this then you should bring it to their attention as it is very newand doctors relyon office managers to keep them informed we all need to do our part to help them help us. Kind regards

    • Maggi, each state Medicaid Program has,their own rules,regarding opiates. And most, if not all, Medicaid Managed Care Plans have their own rules regarding opiates. Some Medicaid Doctors are better about filling out paperwork than others.

      Despite what the form says. I worked Medicaid long enough to know Medicaid is not going to allow unlimited amounts of opiates to be prescribed for chronic non cancer related pain. State Medicaid Programs started watching an issuing Disciplinary Actions to doctors that over prescribed opiates and certain other drugs over 8 years ago.

  3. Be sure and check your state laws governing recordings. Some states,require all parties to give consent prior to the recording.

    This w of year, it is common to run into pharmacists,that are just out of pharmacy school. The have the education. But no experience. Most have not developed their people skills either.

    I have found it is best to deal with one or two pharmacists. I call and ask when they will be,working. It is well worth the,extra effort to not have problems. It is best if one pharmacist is,the Pharmacy Manager.

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