CDC & DOJ: A Forbidden Love Affair

CDC & DOJ: A Forbidden Love Affair http:// The CDC and DOJ make for curious bedfellows. Ostensibly, they are different organizations. One is a national health agency under the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The other enforces federal laws set forth by Congress. Few would imagine healthcare and law have much in common. […]

MY BODY… MY CHOICE.. selectively applied ?

Why A VP Kamala Harris Could Be A Disaster For Marijuana Policy       “Kamala Is A Cop. No matter how excited Democratic voters may be about having the first woman of color on a presidential ticket, and no matter how liberal her Senate voting record may be, there is no escaping the fact that Senator Kamala Harris […]

The Real “Death Panels”: Oregon Medicaid planned to cut off opioids to chronic pain patients

The Real “Death Panels”: Oregon Medicaid planned to cut off opioids to chronic pain patients At the height of the Tea Party and Republican campaign against the Affordable Care Act, the GOP raised a false alarm about “death panels” that would purportedly kill the disabled based on a subjective judgment and “pull the plug […]