Suicides from under/untreated pain – KNOWS NO AGE LIMITS

Akaiah Nicole Altstock Akaiah Nicole Altstock, 14, of Sneads Ferry, North Carolina, died Wednesday, September 25, 2019. A celebration of life was held on the beach where she loved to walk. Yellow carnations were released into the Atlantic Ocean by all in attendance. Akaiah could no longer fight the pain after years of battling […]

The study of opiates working well for long term chronic pain – that they said DIDN’T EXIST ?

Opioid Treatment 10-year Longevity Survey Final Report Patients in this study were found to be functioning quite well after 10 or more years on generally stable opioid dosages—with the vast majority able to care for themselves and even drive. By Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH About eighteen months ago, I approached the publisher of Practical […]

You are too young to be in pain !

Why Walgreens instituted its “good faith policy” on filling opiates Walgreens’ “secret checklist” reveals controversial new policy on pain pills   At height of crisis, Walgreens handled nearly one in five of the most addictive opioids The company acted as its own distributor and, according to a lawsuit, failed to report suspicious orders of pain pills and prevent diversion to the black market. […]

Why no attorney will “take my case” ? On a regular basis I read or get emails from chronic pain pts about how many law firms they have contacted an no attorneys seem willing to consider their case. Primarily law firms look for “deep pockets” and many states have caps on the damages granted on malpractice and those caps are normally not […]

docs charged in OD deaths of people who they had not seen as pts for 2-3 yrs

Patient, attorney defend doctors accused of overprescribing meds that led to drug overdose CONROE, Texas – Defense attorneys and patients are speaking out after four doctors were arrested and charged with improperly prescribing controlled substances to patients The District Attorney’s Office said some of the prescribed drugs included fentanyl, morphine and hydrocodone.  What are prosecutors saying? Prosecutors […]

chuckle of the day 11/05/2019

This could be a better week…

As of tomorrow (11/06/2019) I will not have to listen to the political ads of  the two candidates running for KY governor.  The current governor is a Republican and the Democrat running is the current state’s AG…  over the last 4 years I have seen the AG sue the Governor over some nonsense…  the content […]

Without opioids, ‘pain so great, you question whether you should go on’ – chronic disease sufferer

RT America talked to Bill Tackett, a man who can’t live without hydrocodone and who has been prescribed opioids long term for his condition. Tackett, who was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease in his 20’s and is now 40, is concerned lawmakers out to limit opioid prescriptions will harm patients as they try to prevent […]

Transparency within the DOJ and several fed agencies on facial recognition tech

ACLU sues US gov calling for transparency over facial recognition tech The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is taking several US government agencies to court claiming they have refused to comply with freedom of information requests related to the transparency of law enforcement usage of facial recognition technology. The lawsuit claims in January 2019 […]