You can’t make this stuff up !

Thanks to a fellow RPH.. for forwarding this to me… Computer Vision Syndrome From the article: The name for eye problems caused by computer use is computer vision syndrome (CVS). CVS is not one specific eye problem. Instead, the term encompasses a whole range of eyestrain and pain experienced by computer users.

The Shocking Truth About Medication Errors   From the article: The computer checks the safety and appropriateness of the order and sends it electronically to the pharmacy. In the Colchicine example, a good CPOE system would alert the physician to the misplaced decimal in the order, and the best systems would prevent the order from being written in the first […]

As Medicare saves money.. pts get abandoned !   from the article: It appears CMS has finally realized that you can’t get blood from a stone—or oxygen equipment and services from an HME provider that has gone out of business. Under a cap that went into effect in 2009, providers cannot bill for patients after 36 months but they must still service […]