Soldiers Help Grow And Protect Poppy Fields for heroin production

Soldiers Help Grow And Protect Poppy Fields for heroin production

We spend money to protect poppy production.. so that it can be produced into Heroin and Cocaine … so that it can be illegal imported into our country and we can spend more money going after those that are selling it on our streets via the war on drugs ?

3 Responses

  1. The protection of international poppy fields is not only for the protection of the illegal drug trade, but also for the legal one. The U.S does not want poppy fields in our country, so other countries have to grow the plants that are made into extracts, manufactured into pill form (usually in some other country), which finally end up behind the drug counter at Walgreens and CVS.

    I read recently that prescription drugs obtained through the take-back and disposal programs run by the DEA and state district attorneys are returned to pharmacies and the legal drug supply… So, where did your pain pills really come from?

    Does the DEA sell the diverted supply back to the pharmacies? I’ve read that those take-back programs receive thousands and thousands of pills — sounds like somebody’s making a lot of money under the counter.

  2. Worse, Steve. The war on drugs in America is to distract us from the failed war on drugs overseas.

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